“How Can a Support Group Be Part of Your Self-Care Strategy?”
Donna Avery presenting about support groups.
On Saturday, March 12, Donna Avey was the presenter at the monthly “Self-Care Isn’t Selfish” series. She shared with all those present “How can a Support Group Be Part of Your Self-Care Strategy?” Donna brings a wealth of experience with support groups, both personally and professionally. She opened with telling us some of her journey, stating, “I have learned from personal experience more effective ways to cope and handle difficult situations through support groups.” Her most recent experience was when her husband of almost 40 years, passed away after a number of health challenges for which she was his primary support.
Sharing on Facebook her reflections about her inner conflict over whether she should change her profile picture which was one of her and Jim together drew her thoughts to her own grieving. Knowing that she needed to move on and feeling the need for support in this process, Donna reached out through Facebook messenger. Donna told us, “When six people responded, I organized a small group to share about our common experience of grieving.”
Donna guided the participants through the process of exploring for ourselves:
What is Self-Care?
What is Support?
How is a Support Group a Self-Care Strategy?
Where do I find my support?
How do I know if this support group is right for me?
Using the familiar parable of the drowning man, Donna challenged us to be aware of what and who shows up as support. If you are not familiar with the parable, the man is stuck on a rooftop in a flood and he prays for help from God. When someone in a rowboat, a motorboat and a helicopter show up to save him, the man tells each of them, “No, it’s OK, I am praying to God and He is going to save me” completely missing how God was sending him the support he needed.
Through sharing in small groups and in a whole group discussion, everyone had the opportunity to discover more about support groups and how to take the next step from wherever we are. We had the opportunity to hear the varied experiences that others have had with support groups—everything from zoom groups centered on crafts, small group book studies, hiking in nature, grief support groups and more.
If you weren’t able to attend this Self-Care Isn’t Selfish session, you can watch the recording here.
Donna also shared a Support Group Resource list which you can access here.
Join us for April’s session on the topic of “Thoughts—Emotions—Actions: A Word Can Save or Destroy” with our guest presenter, Hanka Musilova from the Czech Republic. For more details, see the flier and register for Saturday, April 9th session at 1 pm PT click here.