Good Bye and Thank You to Johanna Rothstein, WFWP Administrative Assistant

Last month, WFWP USA said goodbye to our lovely Mrs. Johanna Rothstein, WFWP USA Administrative Assistant, who decided to move on to focus on being a full-time mom!

From our hearts to yours:

We would like to thank you, Johanna, from the bottom of our hearts for all you have given, invested and contributed to WFWP USA in your role as the Administrative Assistant for the past four years–four significant years of our development. 

You took on this job during a rather turbulent time in our operation, when we launched our GWPN regionally in all five regions of the U.S. You quietly observed, and learned to weather all kinds of situations well all the while keeping your beautiful gentle spirit and kindness, which made everyone feel comfortable around you! 

During these four years you married and also became a mom, which we mothers were all too happy to observe and to be a part of!!

And now you decided to be a full-time mom, which is laudable especially during these times of uncertainty and turbulence, when parents' love is needed more than ever for any child.

We wish you always good health, strength, and happiness, and best of luck in anything you undertake in the future.

We love and appreciate you!

Angelika Selle and WFWP USA

Farewell from Johanna Rothstein

I am grateful and honored to have had the opportunity to work at WFWP, as it has given me practical tools and skills to work in a team and engage with a network of women leaders in a professional setting. Coming into this job, I had no experience of administrative work. However, I learned quickly how to manage my organizational skills, communication, and ability to juggle multiple tasks at once. It was challenging but rewarding, and I have grown so much because of this experience. 

As a wife and mother now, I can see how important and the need of WFWP is at this time, especially to bring women leaders who can lead from the heart and bring peaceful resolutions through prayer, kindness and purposeful activities. 

Thank you to the incredible support and leadership of President Angelika Selle, Vice President Katarina Connery, Irmgard Baynes and Kiyomi Schmidt, and to all the chairwomen and chapter leaders in the field for all the hard work they are doing for WFWP, the U.S. and the world! 


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