Your Beliefs Dictate Your Destiny

“Your Beliefs Dictate Your Destiny” was the topic of June’s second Saturday, “Self-Care Isn’t Selfish” presentation by Women’s Federation for World Peace member and Moms Empowerment Coach, Liisa Fraystaetter.  Myrna Lapres, the emcee, reminded everyone to have paper and pencil handy for our self-discovery notes to discuss during breakouts.  By presenting monthly, the coaches feel inspired to combine their healing work with the vision of WFWP—Women working together to establish a culture of heart in the family, community, nation, and world to achieve genuine and sustainable peace under God.

Liisa helped participants understand that as children we created meaning and beliefs from our experiences.  Whatever our childhood upbringing, most of us have memories of being misunderstood, and overlooked.  As we move forward into our current daily lives and relationships we may have repressed or forgotten those memories.

Discussing Five Primary Drivers of internal process, Liisa explained Beliefs, Thoughts, Emotions, Action and Results: “What you believe, is exactly how you’re going to think; what you think determines how you feel; how you feel determines the action or inaction you take; your action produces the results in your life; your results reinforce your beliefs.”  

Unconscious beliefs that we are not aware of, drain our energy, and create an inner conflict in our lives.  Participants reviewed a thorough list of limiting beliefs to focus on two or three for the “Limiting Beliefs Discovery” sharing exercise.

Through what Liisa presented, she helped answer, “How do we change the limiting beliefs—PERMANENTLY?”   Many people have brought forward this concern.  The work of Raymond Charles Barker in The Power of Decision, A Step-by-Step Program to Overcome Indecision and Live Without Failure Forever is part of the basis of the session, as well as discoveries made by David Bayer.

The new distinction bringing changes to beliefs is recognizing that “Your beliefs are decisions.”  While we do not know how to change our beliefs, we do know how to make decisions, we all have made thousands and thousands of decisions, this discovery allows us to take our power back. We only need to “Give ourselves permission to make a new decision.”

“Three incredible things happen when you make a new decision:

  1. You begin to attract new thoughts and ideas that are in alignment with the new decision.

  2. New decision changes your perception, you begin to pay attention to people and opportunities that are in alignment with the new decision.

  3. New decision manufactures synchronicities and coincidences in your life in direct alignment with the decision that you have made.”

Liisa helped us understand that people get stuck on “how,” and she said, “You do not need to know how.  The How comes after you make a decision.”  She talked about “If you allow yourself to imagine, you create an image,” which the brain records as if it already happened to move on to goal-achievement.  Quoting the achievers Buddha, Mahatma Gandhi, and Henry Ford, she stated, “Your decisions about life dictate your decisions to do things.”  As limiting beliefs get out of the way, she said we have the ability to respond—spelling response-ability, instead of responsibility.  “We are powerful creators.”

She offered a tool called a “Decision Matrix” to use in areas where decisions need to change.  The Decision Matrix has three steps:  Naming the limiting belief; defining the new empowering decision, finding, and continuing to find the evidence for the new belief and that we are doing better.

Liisa emphasized the importance of the existing evidence for the new belief. “Don’t skip finding the evidence from the new decision.”  She encouraged doing the work for at least 30 days in your life to give attention to your own beliefs.  Doing so, she said that you could experience serenity, and “It allows you to be who you really are.”

If you missed this session, you may find the recording at:

In closing remarks, Myrna Lapres said as a coach, that she sees the answer lies within each other, and a coach is there to support us in the process of discovering those answers.  The next event is August 13, 2022, 1-2:30pm PT; 4-5:30pm EST, Myrna Lapres and RoseAnn Kennett will co-present, “The Power of Ho’oponopono and EFT Tapping Together—Discover the Divinity within.”

To register for August 13, 2022, “Self-Care Isn’t Selfish: Heal Yourself, Your Family & the World,” click here.

In preparation for the interactive session for August, we recommend that each person take a few minutes to think about areas of their own life where forgiveness is needed.  This can be forgiving oneself or others.


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