"When Is A Gift Not A Gift? The Connection"

Editor’s Note: Cheryl Landon is the eldest daughter of late, legendary, actor Michael Landon. Ms. Landon is a youth activist, published author and radio producer.  Ms. Landon has been a "loyal admirer" of WFWP for three decades, and is the recipient of the 2001 Interreligious & International Federation for World Peace’s, "Ambassador For Peace" award.

Once again, we are hit with tragedy.  Ongoing tragedies compel us to wake up to the reality that we are failing. Our country faces one crisis after another. Violence and attendant setbacks occur at such a rapid pace.

This wake-up call summons us to take action. We are everyday people; mothers, fathers, grandparents, great grandparents, single adults, and soon to be adult youth.

You have seen that there are unrelenting changes occurring all around us. The world struggles in chaos as though a force of wickedness surrounds us all. What can be done?

In the 2022 movie, Dune, Beast Rabban Harkonnen, in a rage, asked his uncle (Baron Vladimir) why they must endure a drastic lifestyle change. The Baron responded with a question: When is a gift not a gift?

Our gift is our childrenour future generation.  

The recent tragedy of Uvalde where 19 children and two teachers were killed was a senseless and meaningless attack. It is a wake-up call for us to unite, connect, and engage in changing the dynamics of our world.

This requires that we come together beyond consideration of boundaries and political agendas. It is time for us to take responsibility and get engaged. The connection we seek is love. Love is the highest power, the most powerful force in our universe. It has been slipping from our consciousness. It is time for us to wake up and reclaim our collective power to create a better future for children. Our children are the greatest gift and love is the key to raising a healthy generation.  

It takes a village to raise a child. 

Let's be honest. Most of our villages are in a state of disarray, chaos, rage, abuse and neglect. There are many negative and destructive forces which have led and are now leading to profound hostilities and tragedies. It's no wonder that children are targets in this destruction.

Every American must ask: What is it that we truly value? How do we repair the problems?  What small sacrifices can we individually take today to preserve a healthier and safer nation, state, and neighborhoods for tomorrow? Personal, political positions don’t matter—we must look forward with one aspiration:  How to raise a healthy generation.  

To find commonality beyond the devastating challenges we face is our goal.  We may need to reexamine our values and political stances in order to connect with one another.  The key to our goal is love.

Love is the key. As a nation we're overloaded with challenges. It is difficult to take on one more challenging issue. Tragic events work against a strong, proud, successful country. Every family is affected—every life. We cannot live in fear—it affects our beliefs and actions. It separates and divides rather than uniting for the common good. We must make space for faith and love.

This is the kind of love we call God. Whether one believes in a God or not, this energy force exists. This force is recognized as the most powerful force in our universe. Jesus, Buddha, and Mohammed were all deeply rooted in this force of love. Each had a different world view but they were all rooted in love. The Messiah/Prophets sought love and wholeness in life—a wholeness that is inclusive without boundaries.

Each Messiah/Prophet believed in the spiritual connection as the most profound connector of humanity.  They set examples for us to follow in our daily lives towards the paths of enlightenment and transformation. Whatever name you want to use for God, it's all the same. We are one with God.  That's our connection. That's our wholeness. That's our gift to be passed along to protect and raise the future generation with promise for a secure and joyful life.  

Isn't it time to take action to secure and protect this most precious resource in our world… our future generation?

Here is a simple first step: Start the discussion on how to "Raise a healthy generation."

This is how "A gift becomes a gift". 

There is no cost. There aren't any political or religious affiliations required. Only comments and solutions…the voices of everyday people.


"Fickle Faith"


Parenting: A Partnership with God