"Trust Who?"
Cherly Landon
Editor’s Note: Cheryl Landon is the eldest daughter of late, legendary, actor Michael Landon. She is a youth activist, published author and radio producer. Ms. Landon has been a "loyal admirer" of WFWP for three decades, and is the recipient of the 2001 Interreligious & International Federation for World Peace’s, "Ambassador For Peace" award.
Trust is: "A firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability or strength of someone or something."
Trust issues form in our primary years and shape our identity and ability to love and be loved. We are surrounded by those who love, comfort and secure our lives, or are surrounded by those not capable of healthy love. They have been betrayed by love and learned to mistrust.
Unfortunately, most of humankind's misery stems from feeling unloved. "In the midst of adverse circumstances, individuals tend to feel love has withdrawn and they have been forsaken. This feeling of abandonment is often worse than the adversity itself." (Jesus Calling, by Sarah Young)
In the Harry Potter movie series by J. K. Rowling, Dumbledore, the Headmaster of Hogwarts Academy for Wizards and himself a Master Wizard, claims: "Do not pity the dead, Harry, pity the living, and above all those who live without love.”
We know today's chaos is growing in massive proportions. The climate reeks of danger, betrayal and mistrust. We are at a crossroads of destruction or production. The key to secure a productive, healthy, future generation is feeling safe and to trust in love and God.
I ask you as members of this readership: How do we teach trust in love and God to a population who are betrayed by love? Therefore, refusing to trust either love or God?
How do we reach these masses without preaching a religion or trying to convert people? Many are turned away from any religious conversions, feeling pressured and manipulated at first.
I have been participating in the Women's Federation for World Peace throughout its 30 years. I am extremely impressed by WFWP's co-founders, Rev. Sun Myung Moon and his wife, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon. Their vision for world peace, their accomplishments and, most of all, their ability to transcend all persecutions continues to inspire me! I have participated in many Bridge of Peace ceremonies, studied the Divine Principles and witnessed the Marriage Blessing create new generations of families for God. I have wonderful sisterhood relationships and fond memories that continue to this day. Every part of me is devotedly connected to the WFWP’s goals and membership.
That which I am proposing is uniting to generate simple solutions as the voice of everyday people to the population mistrusting both love and God. They tend to "run away" from the mere mention of "God," or "love."
In my travels, I witness many lives who only know toxic, abusive love. Such toxic love harms and destroys the innocent spirit's trust in the divine love we are created in. This love gets passed down rather than passed out.
It is now that we are witnessing masses raising our future generation in toxic love, leading to them mistrusting love and God. It is this mistrust that our youth identify with, creating a tainted self image.
Trust Who?
Again, how do we effectively teach trust in love and God to a population repulsed by this because they don't know how to trust? To prove there is a greater power, and that power is the most powerful force in our universe— God's Love.
I believe God placed me in this position to reach out to you. I am deeply honored for this assignment to join with all of you! If ever there is a group to provide these solutions representing the "voices of the everyday people," it is all of you.
I know you have your obligations and projects. Please make the time to participate and learn simple, easy-to-do solutions to these basic emotion themes. Together we can and must:
"Raise a healthy generation and create an alignment to heal our world."
You are invited to join the conversation: “Raising a healthy generation.” There is no cost. There aren't any political or religious affiliations required. Only comments and solutions… the voices of everyday people.
If you would like to personally contact the author, she welcomes comments and suggestions and would love to hear from you. She can be reached at: "ContactMsCherylLandon@yahoo.com"