President's Corner: Love with No Sharp Edges

Just last week one of our WFWP USA staff had her first baby! Hooray! When I checked in on her she told me she had survived her first night of cluster feeding. Oh boy, do I remember that! When I considered how to respond I instantly felt a flow of energy that reminded me about the unique capacity of women, especially mothers, to embrace and love in those most difficult times (including cluster feeding for those new moms!). 

On this train of thought I would like to share this quote: “Everyone should be well-rounded without sharp angles. We should all be like a mother who embraces the different personalities in her family to create harmony…. If there is something that gets in the way, one should be able to expand or contract accordingly, roll here and there to make a well-round circle, and finally return to one’s original position. Only by doing so can we resemble Heavenly Parent.” 

- Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, Founder, Women’s Federation for World Peace USA

I love the imagery presented by Mother Moon of what it takes to embrace others and create harmony. It takes expansion and contraction, and the rolling out our own sharp edges so that we can love wholly and completely. Certainly being thrust into new motherhood is the most comprehensive training ground for such a quest. It is one that continues for the entirety of our life and takes on new shapes and forms. While we may not be nursing our babies all through the night, we do find ourselves emotionally nursing our families when things are just… off.

Tonight one of my daughters had a lot of feelings. She couldn’t figure out what it was she was feeling and she just wanted to be able to fall asleep. I felt equally tired and stressed about the many tasks I needed to complete before my own bedtime. But I somehow mustered the capacity to embrace, love and be patient in that moment. It surprises me sometimes when I’m able to tap into some deep reservoir that is not just my own. But I know the source of that reservoir is manifested through my divine connection with our Heavenly Parent. Is our Heavenly Parent not the one who does this the most for us?

Mother Moon has helped us to uncover this deeper understanding of our Creator, one with a masculine and feminine heart. We know much about the fatherly heart of our Heavenly Parent, yet there is still so much to uncover of His/Her motherly heart. Who holds the secret to uncovering this essence? The women, especially the mothers. They are the ones gifted with the blessing of a special training ground that transforms us into divine reflections of Heavenly Mother’s love… motherhood. 

It is not always easy to live in such a way. But it is a journey that is ours alone to conquer. Not just for ourselves, but for all of human history.

Let’s go forward and love and embrace… and leave the sharp edges behind.


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