Getting the Story Straight on Femininity

I want to be honest with you… I think we women still have not gotten our story straight. We still don’t know what it means to be a woman, and what we were originally designed for. We’ve somehow landed with two options of what femininity looks like: feminism which paints a war against men, and submissiveness which puts women as servants to their husbands. I think neither was the original design of femininity and this is why women have not found the rightful place in the world. To understand who we are, we must also understand the nature of our Creator.

Our founder, Mother Moon, often talks of our Creator as a Heavenly Parent who embodies both masculine and feminine qualities. This elucidation of the nature of our Creator grants us access to a deeper understanding of our own nature; it has opened a door for women that has never been opened before. For the first time in history we have an opportunity to finally understand who we are. It is uncharted territory. Fortunately, Mother Moon, as a global woman leader, has left us a great deal of clues to help us on our path.

“My life has been like an ocean. The ocean can generously embrace and unite with the sky and resemble its color. It is in the lowest place, where it accepts all the water of the world. The ocean embraces everything and conceives all life. In the ocean all varieties of living things are born and raised in abundance. Its tides ebb and flow in response to the pull of the moon and the changing seasons. It responds to the rays of the sun, creates water vapor and influences the weather.”
- Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, Founder, Women’s Federation for World Peace

This is such a beautiful depiction of what it’s like to be a woman.

Ladies, we are built differently from our male counterparts. There is tremendous strength and beauty in our creation which needs to be celebrated. Women have the capacity to make harmony with their surroundings. We do this differently from men. We pick up the nuances of our surroundings, we understand the unique needs of each person in our family, we know that when someone is having an “off-day” our plans have to change. We “generously embrace and unite” and “resemble” what surrounds us. Do you know how powerful that is? This is the power that makes space for birth, for life, for growth.

I am constantly in a state of trying to remind myself to lean into the strength of my femininity, instead of what society has taught me is needed to survive in this world. Instead of protecting and shielding myself from the world around me, I have the power to open my arms and embrace my surroundings, no matter what they are. It’s my choice, and that’s what gives me power as a woman. When I choose to stand in my femininity I find I can embrace the world. And when I can embrace the world, the world heals. 


Love Can Build a Bridge


Art Touches Heart: Embracing the Power of Creative Expression