Inspiring Journey of Hope in New Jersey

Written by: Katarina Connery, Vice-President of WFWP USA

On September 21, WFWP New Jersey hosted “Tea with Intention.” At the Allwood Branch Library in Clifton, NJ, we welcomed Kiana Wooten, a breast cancer survivor and Angel Advocate for the Tigerlily Foundation, for a powerful talk about her personal journey with breast cancer. Kiana also received the HerStory Award from WFWP earlier this year. Kiana shared her experience of being diagnosed at the young age of 34, emphasizing the importance of knowing one’s body and family health history.

Kiana revealed startling statistics: 1 in 8 women will face a breast cancer diagnosis, with a woman diagnosed every two minutes. She recalled how a routine mammogram, initially undertaken to satisfy her husband’s concerns, led to the shocking discovery of her condition. What began as a small growth soon grew to the size of a fist, highlighting the urgency of early detection.

Her journey took a harrowing turn when, after undergoing surgery and receiving implants, she contracted sepsis—not once, but twice. Kiana candidly discussed the emotional toll of these experiences, including difficult conversations with her daughters about life and death and the financial strain that ultimately led her family to file for bankruptcy.

Kiana's message resonated deeply: every year, over 40,000 women in the U.S. lose their lives to breast cancer. She urged attendees to teach their daughters about self-exams, advocate for their health, and seek genetic testing, regardless of family history. With early detection boasting a 98% survival rate, Kiana encouraged everyone to trust their instincts and prioritize their health by keeping up with regular screenings.

Her inspiring story reminded us all that awareness and education can be powerful tools in the fight against breast cancer. WFWP is grateful to Kiana for sharing her journey and empowering our community to take action for our health. As a final step for the afternoon program, we enjoyed some invigorating Zumba!

Since October is also breast cancer awareness month, this conversation was very timely. Take a look at some of these resources from Tigerlily Foundation that Kiana shared with us.


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