Her Story Award: Celebrating Resilience and Leadership

Written by: Yumi Willett

On September 14, 2024, WFWP USA hosted the HerStory Award, recognizing two extraordinary women leaders who have made remarkable contributions to their communities. The HerStory Award celebrates women who have broken barriers, challenged societal norms, and paved the way for future generations to succeed. The event was hosted by GWPN Field Coordinator Adia Lancaster, who extended a warm welcome to all attendees. In her introduction, Adia provided an overview of the Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP) and emphasized the importance of the HerStory Award in honoring women who embody resilience and a trailblazing spirit.

Before the awards were presented, the nominators of each awardee shared heartfelt words about the remarkable women they put forward.

The first awardee was Dr. Saundra Yancy McGuire, Professor Emerita of Chemistry and Director Emerita of the Center for Academic Success at Louisiana State University. Dr. McGuire is a distinguished educator and mentor whose career has had a profound impact on students and educators worldwide. Before her tenure at LSU, she spent eleven years at Cornell University, where she was honored with the prestigious Clark Distinguished Teaching Award.Dr. McGuire shared her powerful family history, beginning with her great-grandparents, who were formerly enslaved. Her grandfather, using land left to him by his former enslaver, built the first Black school in St. Helena Parish. Her grandmother broke barriers by becoming a college graduate and teacher, ensuring all nine of her children pursued higher education. This legacy of education and resilience inspired Dr. McGuire and her siblings to achieve at the highest levels, despite the challenges of growing up in the Jim Crow South. She credited her family’s love and her community’s support for helping her overcome adversity.

Dr. McGuire also reflected on a pivotal moment in her journey—her time as a teaching assistant at Cornell University. It was during this period that she discovered her passion for helping others unlock their potential. "When students are given opportunities for learning and the confidence to believe they can excel, they thrive at the highest level," she said. This realization fueled her lifelong commitment to using education as a means for achieving social justice.Today, Dr. McGuire continues to teach students how to learn while guiding faculty on how to better support their students' learning journeys. She concluded her speech with three powerful takeaways: always pursue your passion, know that you are equipped by the Creator to achieve, and remember that perseverance is key. She added, "Faith is the fuel for success."

The second awardee, Sydney Krebsbach, is a fierce advocate for people with disabilities and autism. As a Community Inclusion Specialist at Compass Career Solutions in Spokane, Washington, and Co-Chair of the Washington State Developmental Disabilities Council, Sydney’s leadership has helped shape policy and legislation. This includes the passing of HB1541—the “Nothing About Us Without Us” act—and contributing to Alaska’s 2019 Autism Proclamation. With over seven years of advocacy, she has shared her story in front of legislative committees, at Alaska’s Capitol Key Campaign Rally, and more, earning a spot in the National Association Council on Developmental Disabilities Leadership Circle in 2020.

Sydney began her speech by expressing gratitude to those who supported her along the way. She shared, "Everyone has a mountain to climb, but autism has been my opportunity, not my obstacle, to continue on a path toward victory."

Both Dr. Saundra McGuire and Sydney Krebsbach are shining examples of how dedication and passion can transform communities. We celebrate their incredible work and their determination to create lasting change.


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