
Twice a year, Women’s Federation for World Peace International holds a strategic workshop for WFWP leaders to connect, regroup, deliberate, and plan for the future. The most recent gathering at the Seoul Olympic Parktel in Korea on August 15, 2019 brought together International Vice Presidents (IVPs) and Secretary Generals (SGs) representing various regions and nations throughout the world: Europe, the Middle East, Russia, Asia, Japan, Korea, South America, and Oceania. IVP Angelika Selle and SG Kiyomi Schmidt joined the conference representing the North America region. Also our two UN offices were represented by Mrs. Carolyn Handshin, Director of the UN office in Geneva, and Mrs. Alexa Ward, Deputy Director of the UN office in New York. Furthermore, several regional women leaders from Korea joined this important gathering as observers.

The workshop opened with a warm welcome and opening remarks from the WFWP International President Julia Moon. The day marked the sixth month since her appointment as president, and she has been working to quickly learn the ropes. She showed great admiration and appreciation for those in the room who have spent years of their lives contributing to their countries and the world for the sake of peace. President Moon also expressed a particular interest to learn how to work together with non-governmental organizations, to connect existing achievements and endeavors towards God’s vision of a loving, peaceful world.+


These remarks were followed by a memorial service for Lily Lin, who had faithfully served as the WFWP IVP for Asia and President of Taiwan. During her tenure, WFWP Taiwan featured celebrity endorsements for their anti-AIDS anti-drug initiative, established the Asia Women's Entrepreneurs Peace Alliance for businesswomen as part of the Global Women’s Peace Network, and much more. The tribute video, made by Lily Lin’s children, brought many to tears as it honored her humility, drive, determination, humor, and love for others.

The remainder of the sessions consisted of regional activity reports and a strategic discussion on current issues, as facilitated by WFWP International’s first full-time Secretary General Paris Moon. With the recent addition of an International Secretary General and emphasis on coming together as an international organization, expect more frequent updates and developments coming your way.

For a snapshot of the reported WFWP activities and plans throughout the world, see the description below.

Significant attention was also given to preparations for 2020 in a smaller meeting with President Julia and the international team, as WFWP will also be co-sponsoring the international events honoring Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon’s legacy at his centenary in February along with Mother Moon’s 77th birthday (see article).

Finally, during mealtimes and especially at dinner, the ladies enjoyed ample Korean traditional food and fellowship, something everyone is looking forward to throughout the year.

WFWP International Activities
WFWPI UN Office: Considering ways to increase WFWPI’s presence and influence at the UN, such as sponsoring more side events, engaging in more oral and written statements in sessions, and offering advocacy training

North America: Launching the Global Women’s Peace Network throughout America and Canada, and developing and using three education curriculums

Japan: Constructing a new technical institute in Rwanda, and offering Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) advocacy training to young adults

Korea: Recently hosted an event on the 69th Anniversary of the Korean War, and is in the process of inaugurating the Global Women’s Peace Network throughout Korea

Europe: Planning to partner with public institutions through sustainable development goals and UN or government issues in each nation, and to move in solidarity with other women’s organizations

Africa: Educating on peace-building and true family values, and registering one million mothers in each chapter by 2020

Middle East: Organizing Women’s Conference for Peace and refugee camp youth education

Latin America: Launched first women of faith meeting, International Women’s Day programs, and character education in schools

Eurasia: Holding an Intercultural, Interreligious Children’s Festival


