Singleton Moms, named to honor the memory of Michelle Singleton, whose courageous battle with terminal cancer inspired her friends to cooperate and help her take care of her four young children; is a non-profit organization that focuses solely on aiding single parents who suffer from cancer and have minor children. Taking into account the struggles encountered from intense medical treatment, parental responsibilities towards young children, and the challenges of everyday life; the staff at Singleton Moms knows that nurturing those who are battling cancer is hard enough; but it is next to impossible when single-handedly taking care of a family as well.
The staff at Singleton Moms work to relieve the constant worry those parents experience by taking on and fulfilling the daily parental responsibilities to provide for their children. Singleton Moms provides the bare necessities: meals, housekeeping chores, and community outlets that strengthen a household that has been weakened through battling with cancer. Singleton Moms also provides aid to help these parents meet those needs. Volunteers and donors support this organization and provide children’s activities and deliveries, as well as coordinating events to further the organization, its goals and its traditions.
Women’s Federation of World Peace (WFWP) shares the same values as Singleton Moms by bringing unity in communities to serve others. Both Singleton Moms and WFWP contribute to those who are going through difficult and unusual circumstances. Singleton Moms and Women’s Federation of World Peace share the same values of transforming communities into a support system to soothe the incomprehensible environments that impinge people’s lives and their family units. WFWP and Singleton Moms both strive to alter and establish an atmosphere of settlement and reconciliation for the wellbeing of present and future generations of all races, cultures, and religious creeds.
From left to right: Karen Esguerra, Michelle Singleton, Anita, Singleton Moms Annual Luncheon