Ms. Alice Ponce with donations destined for Haiti
Donations for Haiti, all packed and ready to go.
At the end of a class on "A Course in Miracles" that Alicia Ponce (Denver WFWP member who wrote an article about her mother in the May E-News), and I were both attending, I told her about the WFWP Haiti trip. Her spirit jumped with enthusiasm. She said she was going to email a "few friends." By the time I got home and checked my messages, I already had a response from her explaining that she had heard from five to six friends who were very happy to donate clothing, shoes, toys and other things to the Haiti Summer Relief Project in June.
Colorado Chairlady Shirley Chimes
From that moment, Ms. Ponce worked tirelessly contacting her friends, collecting clothes, and organizing the donations. She got boxes, packaged and sealed them herself; and brought them to me for mailing. She was so far ahead of me that I could not keep up with her! In one delivery, she gave me four big boxes to mail. The next time she brought five boxes and an additional three bags full of offerings of clothing, shoes, and toys, which we added to the medical supplies that the chapter had collected. Her heart was bursting with joy each time we talked. She apologized that she could not personally go to Haiti this year and made a strong commitment to go next year.
Ms. Ponce is a teacher and the school year was coming to an end, but that didn't slow her down. She worked so hard with so much feeling to make this contribution of her time and effort to help others who are in need. The Denver Chapter of WFWP cannot thank Ms. Ponce enough for her efforts to aid the Haitian trip from June 21-30. Through this article we honor her determined efforts to practice the motto of WFWP, "Living by the Logic of Love."