When guests and members entered the WFWP Denver coffeehouse on February 18th, Chinese music was playing and small round tables with lit candles on glass plates surrounded by stones and sitting on top of bamboo liners waited to seat 18 people which included 6 guests and 4 men. They sipped on chrysanthemum tea and ate Chinese fortune cookies.
Judy Jia Gallenstein and Dr. DaYong Hou were the guest speakers who approached women's health from a Chinese, traditional perspective.
Ladies individually read the statement of beliefs followed by Mother Moon's life story. For one hour, Judy presented different points of health to a very alert audience while she showed a very colorful and interesting point power she created.
Dr. Hou, a doctor of traditional, Chinese medicine for over 20 years, and a long-time friend of Judy's, answered questions from the audience. Some of them regarded tinnitus, sleep, acid reflux and pain between the shoulders, etc. He answered eloquently explaining about the ying/yang of each concern reminding us that over-thinking, emotions and stress contribute to illness.
Two oriental flower arrangements for Judy and the Doctor were received with much joy and appreciation. A happy group picture was taken. Dr. Hou stayed for another hour and had a great, oriental lunch and met personally with individuals regarding their health concerns.
We are grateful to Dr. Hou for coming. He gave up his Saturday morning appointments to answer our questions. He said he would like to come back again and that he learned a lot from us.