Dr. Hall and WFWP Chairwoman Shirley Chimes
On April 11th, Dr. Cameron Hall, Chiropractor at Discover Chiropractic, and WFWP partnered to present a nutrition program at Discover's offices in Westminster, Colorado. The event was rescheduled twice owing to bad weather, so we were happy to finally gather at Dr. Hall's offices.
Dr. Hall graduated from the Palmer College of Chiropractic in Florida and from Concord University in West Virginia with a Bachelor of Science in Recombinant Gene Technology in 2011. He went to Honduras during the summer of that year on a humanitarian trip with Doctors Without Borders to offer aid to the people.
As an emerging leader in the field of chiropractic and nutrition, he not only gives personal presentations on health and well-being, but also develops corporate wellness programs customized to fit the needs of the company at zero expense.
The program opened with Mrs. Shirley Chimes who introduced the Women's Federation by reading from the chapter in WFWP co-Founder Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon's autobiography entitled: "An Incomparable Inner Beauty:"
"My wife has been active in women's organizations for some time. The Women's Federation for World Peace, which she established in 1992, has branches in some 80 countries and is in general consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations as a non-governmental organization. Throughout history, women have been persecuted, but I predict this will change. The coming world will be one of reconciliation and peace based on women's maternal character, love and sociability. The time is coming when the power of women will save the world.
Guests eating organic burgers
many women's organizations apparently believe that standing in opposition to men is the way to demonstrate the power of women. The result is an environment of competition and conflict. The women's organizations my wife leads, on the other hand, seek to bring about peace on the principle that women should work together, take initiative and empower one another across traditional lines of race, culture and religion to create healthy families as the cornerstone of the culture of peace. The organizations she works with do not call for the liberation of women from men and families. Instead, they call for women to develop and maintain families filled with love.
"My wife's dream is to see all women raised as true daughters with filial hearts who can create peace at home, in our communities, in our nations, and in the world. The women's movement being carried out by my wife serves the goal of true families, which are the root of peace in all areas of life."
Christine Mahardy, a 23 year member of WFWP, presented the Three Great Blessings as it relates to nutrition and developing a wholesome character. Carrying that wholesome character into marriage can create a happy family and teach children and neighbors how to take care of the creation.
Group Photo Outside Discover Chiropractic
With this introduction to attaining spiritual wellness, Dr. Hall presented extensively and eloquently on physical wellness. The audience was enlightened by his words about all the nutrients that can be found in nature and how the best nutrition which can heal the body is in the ground: in fruits and vegetables which are rich in vitamins and minerals. For example, cilantro and parsley are useful in ridding heavy metals from the body. To take care of our physical bodies as God's temple, people should include fruits and vegetables in every meal and avoid products with "natural flavors" or high fructose corn syrup. Since manufacturers are not regulated in the use of the word "natural," as they are with using the word "organic" on labels, "natural flavors" are often anything but natural. Dr. Hall also recommended almond milk and plant-based organic foods.
Following the presentation, Dr. Hall and his fiancée Lindsay were given a greeting card with a drawing of the spirit of the Three Great Blessings which he proudly has on display on his mantle in his home. Seven-year old Kyla Tanaka gave Dr. Hall an honorarium and her ten-year old sister, Shannon, presented flowers to Lindsay.
Everyone enjoyed the organic veggie burgers, organic tomatoes, spinach, healthy chips, and water that Dr. Hall had prepared before the guests arrived and ate while he was presenting his thought-provoking presentation.
Christine Mahardy speaking about the 3 Great Blessings
The Literature Table
The 3 Great Blessings Symbol