Moyna, Hisako, and Shirley
On Wednesday, June 11, Mrs. Shirley Chimes, Chairwoman of the WFWP Denver chapter, was invited to the Lunch Bunch meeting of the United Nations Association's Denver chapter to introduce the UNA's members to the Women's Federation for World Peace. Mrs. Chimes introduced WFWP co-founder Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon by describing her life and showing pictures of her. Mrs. Chimes then explained the origins of WFWP and spoke about the importance of the family.
The UN Association "Lunch Bunch"
Guests eagerly received the Spring WFWP UN Newsletter, the booklet of Dr. Moon's three milestone speeches, and the WFWP flier. Mrs. Chimes also talked about several activities at the UN, especially the event on June 17, "The 20th Anniversary of the Family and Global Parents' Day." The response of those attending the luncheon was encouraging.
Other projects Mrs. Chimes introduced included the Schools of Africa, the Haiti Summer Service Project, and the Middle East Peace Initiative trips. One man was especially surprised that WFWP ladies had gone door to door in Jerusalem without knowing who would answer the door.
Mrs. Chimes had to speak especially loudly because all were sitting near a cooler and other patrons were looking over at us, attentively listening. One young, married lady was visiting the group for the first time and became very interested in WFWP after hearing about our activities. Another lady said she had recently joined the League of Women Voters and suggested giving the same presentation to that group.
WFWP members were all invited to the UN Association's Lunch Bunch meeting in September.