In September 2014 I published a translation of my late sister, Renate Kraft's, children's book "The Tale of the Sleeping Carousel," that had originally been written in German. Because the main character in the book is a blind girl, I decided, in the name of WFWP, to offer $1 of every copy sold to the Penrickton Center for Blind Children that I had previously visited. The children there are not just visually impaired, but have multiple handicaps. To learn more about the center, here is their website address: http://penrickton.com/.
I have not yet had the opportunity to really market and advertise the book since its publication; however, I decided to go to the Center to introduce it, and bring the small "seed" donation to offer it to them. So on March 13, I took the book, the first donation, and WFWP leaflets and gave them to Ms. Becky Lowe, the Bookkeeper at the Center. I suggested that they use the book for their own fundraising events as well. I also let her know that the Sisterhood of Temple Beth El Braille Bindery Volunteers has made available a Braille copy of the book as well. This Bindery offers its translation services for a mere donation, and has created about 1500 different books in Braille.
My next step will be to reach out to schools and organizations for the visually impaired in the Detroit area. To get a copy of the book and give a donation to the Penrickton Center, here is the link on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Tale-Sleeping-Carousel-Renate-Kraft/dp/1479201928/ref=pd_rhf_dp_p_img_2.
[Editor's Note: Additionally, if you buy it with Amazon Smile through the WFWP website, WFWP will also benefit from this lovely book.]
Receiving the book
Illustration from the book