The WFWP USA team with Haiti Women's Group
The Sixth Annual Haiti Summer Service Project (HSSP), sponsored by the Women's Federation for World Peace USA, took place in Ouanaminthe, Haiti from June 24-30.
Based on an overwhelming response from the participants in last year's HSSP, we held seminars and a mobile medical clinic to reach 500+ clergy, educators, men, women, and children. Nine volunteers from America, including WFWP USA President Angelika Selle, joined with seven volunteers from Haiti for the one-week project. To everyone's delight, the result was that over 850 participants showed tremendous interest and enthusiasm for the teachings and the project.
Although the official program did not kick off until June 24, our team was able to meet with two different women's groups. On Saturday, June 22 we met with a small local women's group of 22 from Ouanaminthe. Mrs. Selle shared about the founder's vision for WFWP. She introduced Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, who established the first chapter of WFWP in 1992, together with her husband, the Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, in their homeland of Korea. Mrs. Selle explained Dr. Moon's desire to bring world peace through the "logic of love". She said that women have the power to do this because of their motherly heart, which is nurturing and capable of raising others.
Mrs. Selle receiving a plaque from Joanne Pierre-Severe of WFWP Haiti
The next day, Sunday June 23, the entire team of volunteers spent the morning sightseeing. We visited the newly built Henri Christophe University in Limonade and the city of Vertiere where the Haitians gained their independence from France in 1804. That afternoon, we met with a newly organized WFWP chapter in Cap-Haitien, Haiti's second-largest city. Mrs. Selle shared the same message about the founders with them as with the Ouanaminthe group. The Cap-Haitien ladies sang songs for us and presented a beautiful wood-carved plaque to Mrs. Selle to give to Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon. Our team was deeply moved by their determination to work with us and set up a successful WFWP chapter in Cap-Haitien in northern Haiti.
On Monday, June 24, we began our regular schedule. That morning, we met with 170 Haitian youth to teach the Character Education curriculum from the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) program. First of all, Mrs. Selle welcomed the mixed group of high school students, middle school students and a few elementary school students. She introduced Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon and the work of WFWP. Following her presentation, Ms. Manasa Kanithi, an International Relations graduate from the University of South Florida, taught an overview of the character education series, "Discovering the Real Me." After this, Mrs. Diane Girard, an International Studies graduate of San Antonio University in San Antonio, Texas and an elementary school teacher there, shared her advice on practical ways to apply character education. The students responded with many questions and were eager to learn more.
In the afternoon, our team met with 244 women leaders from the entire northern part of Haiti. After Mrs. Selle's introduction to WFWP and its founders, she spoke on the topic of "HerStory: New Era, New Mindset: Women's Role in the 21st Century." She spoke about the history of women from biblical times to the present, of how women are gradually being recognized as instrumental and even crucial in creating world peace. She also referred to the Global Women's Peace Network and shared how women must network to resolve the various challenges we all face in the family, community, nation, and world.
Mrs. Selle, Mrs. Clare Daugherty (speaking), and Mrs. Evelyn Drake (right) answer questions
On Tuesday, June 25, we began our presentations for the Haitian ministers. Forty-nine clergy, plus 319 women leaders and youth, heard the Introduction to the Divine Principle given by the Rev. Jeddie King. Also, after a fine lunch, attended by 700 people, Rev. King taught the Principle of Creation. The ministers were attentive and had numerous questions. They were excited to have the revelation of the Divine Principle explain the hidden meanings of the Bible. At 3 pm, the ministers left to attend a minister's alliance meeting. We continued with song and praise and testimonies. After a while, we selected 20 of the women leaders for a planning session to open a WFWP chapter in Ouanaminthe, with Mrs. Angelika Selle presiding over the meeting.
On Wednesday, June 26, 65 ministers came to hear more Divine Principle, plus the women leaders and families, totaling nearly 400 people. Rev. King taught "The Fall of Man" in the morning session and Min. Elma King presented "Christology" in the afternoon session. The ministers were deeply moved by the Fall lecture and asked question after question regarding the meaning of the fruit and the identity of the serpent. One lady minister stood up and said she had received a revelation during the lecture, that opened her understanding about Eve, how Eve's womb was tainted by Satan and lost God's lineage, and how God used Mary's womb to restore God's lineage. Everyone was moved by her sharing and it helped bring more understanding of the seriousness of the Fall of Man.
Importantly, it was announced by Rev. Levy Daugherty that a United Federation of Churches (UFC) chapter would be formed on Friday, June 28, with a selection of 40 ministers from the area.
On Thursday, June 27, the ministers met for a third session of Divine Principle. This time, Rev. Daugherty was the lecturer. He presented three parts: "The Life of Jesus," "The Second Coming," and "The Life Course of Rev. Sun Myung Moon." The ministers were greatly amazed by what they heard and had many questions and comments. Rev. Daugherty emphasized what Jesus meant by "becoming perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect" -- that is, to perfect one's relationship with God and God's love.
The Divine Principle workshop concluded with a graduation ceremony. As a result, each of the 117 ministers received an appointment as Ambassador of Peace. Pictures were taken of the clergy and the staff. Following this, 12 ministers and their wives received the Holy Wine and the Holy Blessing of Marriage. All in all, it was a fitting conclusion to a remarkable three days of religious education.
Friday, June 28 was our final day of the project. We focused on providing a mobile medical clinic in and around Ouanaminthe throughout the day. 70 patients were seen by our volunteer doctors and nurses. Medicines and care were given to all. I want to acknowledge Mrs. Fannie Smith and the Chicago WFWP chapter as well as Mrs. Diane Girard and her church's Sunday School group for donating all of the medicine for the clinic.
Mrs. Drake, Eric Papouloute, and Mrs. Selle
In conclusion, I want to thank, first of all, Mr. Douyon Dameus, for his sacrifice and hard work to develop the Haiti Summer Service Project in Cap-Haitien. Without his year-by-year and daily efforts, I don't know how the project would have survived. Also, I am grateful to Mr. Eric Papouloute, who attended our seminars in 2012, was inspired and took responsibility to ensure the gathering of the 117 ministers to hear Divine Principle this year. Furthermore, Eric sent out letters of invitation to not only the clergy but to the women's organizations and to school youth leaders. Thanks to Mr. Guy Volmy, for once again supporting Mr. Dameus and to Mrs. Joanne Pierre-Severe for her tireless efforts to raise up the Women's Federation for World Peace in Cap-Haitien.
Thank you to Mrs. Angelika Selle, as the President of WFWP USA for volunteering her time to oversee and participate in this year's project; Mrs. Margaret Brewster, on her fourth tour with HSSP, for her healthcare expertise and mother's heart; Ms. Manasa Kanithi, on her third tour, for taking on the challenge of teaching character education to the youth; Rev. and Mrs. Jeddie King, who gave so much last year and again this year; Rev. and Mrs. Levy Daugherty, for their wisdom and example; and Mrs. Diane Girard, for her care for the children through the arts and crafts she had donated herself, as well as being my supportive physical sister.
Once again, with the help of our Heavenly Parent, we were blessed with a successful project. Ministers were educated, women leaders met, the youth gained character and the sick were cared for. Altogether, 850 people participated in the HSSP this year. Even now, the ministers who attended the Divine Principle seminar are planning for a special seminar in November for 500 clergy. I know God is moving in Haiti and that the potential is great for God's work to blossom there. May God bless everyone who made this possible and may God bless Haiti.