Drake Family & Haiti Donations
Please join the seventh annual Haiti Service Project. The dates have been set: June 21-30. Click here to see the flier to learn more about how to sign up. Mark your calendars!
Let's begin preparations to join the team in Haiti, to provide donations, and to begin prayer support for this vital WFWP project. Please support in whatever way you can!
Donations needed include staple items such as:
Seeds, especially tomatoes, peppers, beans
Things needed for the educational seminars include:
Looseleaf notebook paper
Crayons for small children
Construction paper
Bottled water for participants
Meals for 1,000 participants
Styrofoam plates and cups
Plastic forks, spoons, and knives
Napkins and toilet paper
Medical supplies are also needed (more information on this in future newsletters). Personnel needed include midwives and those trained in the Lamaze technique.
According to Mrs. Evelyne Drake, the project initiator and coordinator, "The primary goal of this international service and learning experience is to promote world peace while allowing students and volunteers to develop and/or enhance cultural competence in providing humanitarian aid and medical care while serving and educating needy populations.
"This year we'll be in Cap-Haitien, the second-largest city in Haiti. We'll work with the local WFWP chapter and educators to present the seminars to about 1,000 participants.
Through our WFWP activities and through meeting with officials, we hope to make a difference in how Haitians live daily. World peace begins on the grass-roots level, and this is a wonderful opportunity to witness it firsthand. We hope to effect a sustainable change in the lives of the Haitians we help, thus promoting harmony among peoples and nations."