WFWP GA Chapter gathering to celebrate birthdays and filling the handbags
Our chapter had seen reports in past Logic of Love newsletters about “The Handbag Project” by other chapters, and we were inspired by the simplicity of the project: asking friends and neighbors to donate gently used purses to be filled with personal items and given to those in need. We included the request for the handbags at our 25th Anniversary event, “Peace Begins With Me,” on August 19th, and we had a number of lovely purses donated. The women in our chapter continued to collect purses through the end of September. I asked at my weekly Weight Watcher meeting and I was surprised that not only did I receive a number of lovely bags, but some of the women had already filled them with personal items.
On the first Sunday in October, our chapter gathered together to celebrate September and October birthdays and to fill the bags with shampoo, hand lotion, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and other personal items. Setting up an assembly line, we filled the 45 purses with a heart of love and compassion for the women who would receive them.
Prior to beginning the project, we had heard about “The Children’s Restoration Network,” an organization that serves homeless women and children in Georgia. Founded in 1993 by Jim Cox and Cliff Kinsey, they began with one shelter and their organization has grown to 134 shelters in 19 counties. We look forward to partnering with them again through The Handbag Project or the LEAP Career Preparation workshops, which help women create resumes, refine interview skills, and learn job search techniques.
“The Handbag Project” gave our chapter an opportunity to give back locally and served as a way to reach out to new contacts, with whom we could explain the vision and the mission of WFWP.
The Children's Restoration Network (from right to left): Jim Cox and Cliff Kinsey (Co-founders) and Ben Minor