Breakout speaker Gerry Servito speaking
I just wanted to thank you very much for letting me participate and support the Assembly this past weekend. My wife and I include you in our daily prayers, and so it was especially gratifying for me to be able do more than pray for your efforts in WFWP USA. I would like to share my thoughts about being a presenter at the Assembly.
I was extremely surprised that my breakout session room ended up full, all the way to the back row! I had only requested 12 handouts to be printed, because I honestly didn't expect a large turnout, for various reasons. I hope that the handout would be available to whoever wished for it.
I felt that it was very good to have a male presenter, but I'm certain that this presentation would be delivered differently from a woman.
I was approached by one sister who shared that she deals with many sisters whose husbands are not happy in their marriage. They feel that they have “sacrificed their lives and have only disappointment.” She said that women receive a lot of guidance how to love their husbands, but wanted to know my advice. My response was that the husbands need education, and so I directed her towards some good resources.
This made me very grateful that the women could hear that we do have teachings that can help their sons and their husbands see marriage much more clearly from God's viewpoint. It is best if the guidance given to wives is balanced by guidance given to husbands.
I hope that it was a wonderful event for you, and I hope that you will get full coverage and be an inspiration across the US and around the world, and even for God.