It was an afternoon to remember on February 24, 2011, as some 60 women—mothers, sisters, and young women—as well as some gentlemen, gathered at the Lovin' Life Learning Center on 43rd Street in NYC to warmly welcome our international WFWP president.

WFWP International had just completed two very successful events at the United Nations on the occasion of a meeting of the Commission on the Status of Women, at which Dr. Lan Young Moon, who is also a university professor in Korea, had delivered opening remarks.

The atmosphere was genial as Angelika Selle, WFWP USA president, opened the occasion by saying, "This is to testify to an auspicious and historic moment: to be with our international president, a great woman of God and a beloved 'daughter' of our Founders. Not only has she piloted WFWP from the beginning of the millennium, in 2000, but she has also endured an incredible amount of suffering, sacrifice, and hardship in relation to restoring the original womanhood—as also has our founder, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon."

Before Dr. Moon took the podium, a cake was presented in honor of her completing her Ph.D. in Theology!

Professor (now Dr.) Moon's big smile and heart reached out to the entire hall, as she took the stage, greeting everyone affectionately and looking young as ever!

In her introduction, Dr. Moon emphasized that we live in a truly new era and age—the era of women. She gave a brief overview of her lecture series, entitled "Herstory," which she has been sharing with thousands of women in Korea and elsewhere in Asia over the last several years. The lectures begin by recounting history from the very beginning, from when the first woman fell, or broke away from God, and examining the resultant course that women since that time have had to undergo. Especially in religious history, she noted, women have been treated as second-class citizens. Even so, they played a significant role in biblical history, though they were not fully recognized for it. (Please read an upcoming separate article on "Herstory" for a more in-depth explanation.)

During the afternoon, Dr. Moon could only give a small taste of "Herstory," which ultimately leads into an explanation of the profound role of the Women's Federation for World Peace in providential history, and the significant part that women are called to play at this time to usher in an era of lasting peace.

After a brief break, Dr. Moon, upon request, shared about her working together for so many years with our founders, Father and Mother Moon, who had raised her up personally since the age of 12. She revealed some of her painful life story, particularly about how she lost her father during the Korean War. He was taken away by the communists, she said, and was never seen again.

The two hours we spent with her, so rich in content, passed by quickly. Halka Herd, our administrative director, presented flowers, which Dr. Moon graciously passed on to Alexa Ward, the former WFWP USA president, who was in the audience. Then all formed a circle and sang "Let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin with me." Angelika Selle closed the session with a deep and passionate prayer on behalf of all the women present.

It was hard to leave, for the spirit was deep, beautiful, and peaceful, so Dr. Moon felt moved to sing a song herself, one that Father Moon loves very much—"You Raised Me Up." To conclude and send everyone off with love, Beryl Green, chairwoman of New York City, ended with wishes and a cheer of Og Mansei, a Korean way of saying, "Good fortune for 10,000 years!"

We thank Dr. Moon for her coming to the United States and for her sharing the love of our founders with us as well as her feelings from her own heart as our elder sister and beloved president, a position she will hold hopefully for many years to come!


