On Saturday, October 4, the Minnesota Chapter of Women's Federation for World Peace gathered to explore the issue of human trafficking and to see what we can do to help stop this serious problem facing our young people today.
First, Ms. Jennifer Victor-Larsen, founder of, gave an overview of the facts about human trafficking. She talked about the prevalence of trafficking in Minnesota and let us know that Minnesota ranks 13th in the nation in terms of human trafficking incidence. It was a surprise to learn that this issue is so close to home in Minnesota. We expect it to be rampant in Third World countries, not in our own backyard.
Mrs. Jeanette Henry
Ms. Lori Stee, public policy and education director of Breaking Free, spoke next. Breaking Free is an organization that educates and provides services for girls and women who have been victims of abuse and sexual exploitation. She showed us the CNN report on the organization. The report showed some of the women, all survivors of human trafficking, who have been helped by the work of the organization. Their primary message is, "Women are not for sale."
Lori also let us know that recruiters of young girls and women go everywhere to recruit anyone who seems lost, sad, and alone. It is important that everyone should be aware of this information. She also explained that the challenge to eliminate this problem has to do with the narrative of how women have been viewed throughout history as temptresses and the cause of sexual problems.
Only recently have exploited women come to be viewed as victims instead of criminals. And this change in attitude is mainly because of the work of organizations like Breaking Free that work to help restore the dignity of the kidnapped young women and men who are lured and often forced unwittingly into sex trafficking.
After Ms. Stee's presentation, Ms. Victor-Larsen talked about her organization, She showed us how we can use this website to donate locally to Breaking Free and other organizations that help those in need. She also explained that WFWP could use the site to handle donations for the projects that WFWP supports, such as the Haiti Summer Service Project.
Following the presentations, WFWP Minnesota Chairwoman Jeanette Henry thanked the presenters for sharing the real facts about this issue. She explained that WFWP addresses this issue at all levels, especially at United Nations panel discussions. WFWP advocates and supports the global efforts to eliminate human trafficking and re-educate the victims. WFWP's goal is to uplift the image and the value of women, Jeanette said. This is done by eliminating the negative and false narratives that suppress women and their values through teaching HerStory and the Principles of Peace.
She also explained that the founders of WFWP's main teaching is to encourage men and especially women at this time in history to realize the Creator's original plan we were meant to fulfill. That involves building a world of peace through strengthening the family unit.
She explained that in fact all people are victims and have been deprived of their original peaceful purpose of life. It is time that we uncover the truth to heal and to free us from being accused, as we have been since the first human ancestors turned away from God. Though we are all victims of what took place then, we can overcome that and decide to transform ourselves into peaceful beings in alignment with our original purpose.
Group Photo
As women, we feel it is a special time in history for us to initiate this process to heal and to educate others to become peaceful beings. Only then can we restore our true human identity and form one family under the one God, our Creator. WFWP's vision is for women to play a vital role as partners in realizing world peace.
There was a question and answer time, followed by discussion of what we can do to eliminate this problem at its root. One of the ideas presented is to form mothers' groups to bring more awareness of the problem and solidify the family to stop human trafficking.
We were all treated to a generous lunch and ample time for networking and discussion. After lunch, there was a meditation session given by Ms. Carolina Harris. She taught us how to tune in to the four different directional sources of energy from the east, west, north, and south. She also explained the nature and function of each direction.
After the meditation, the participants felt a renewed sense of peace and confidence to continue with our work as mothers, wives, and daughters to give to our community.
Finally, Mrs. Victor-Larsen invited the participants to join her at the next Breaking Free breakfast event in November, where some Minnesota legislators will address this issue. It will also be covered by our local Channel 9 News. Several WFWP members and guests will participate and are looking forward to joining and supporting their efforts.