Haitian Drum & Dance Group performs
The Women's Federation for World Peace and the nation of Haiti have a longstanding relationship, developing since the tragic earthquake struck the island on January 12, 2010. Our dear friend and WFWP member, Rose Gbadamassi, is a leader of the Haitian community in Minnesota. She organized a program to bring her people together in love and unity. Rose has been a regular attendee of Minneapolis WFWP events, so it was natural for us to want to help support and sponsor her event to bring a positive spirit and outcome to Haitians living in Minneapolis.
The program entitled "Love Without Condition" was held at the beautiful Christo Rey Jesuit High School in Minneapolis. There was a special theatrical performance, as well as a display of different Haitian dishes offered with a joyful heart of service and love to all the guests. Families with children came to watch the program at the beautiful and modern school theater.
Outside the theater, the WFWP display table was headed by Elizabeth Patterson, who shared some of the overviews of the different projects and activities of WFWP.
WFWP information was available at the event.
The program began with introducing Rose as the coordinator and leader of the Haitian community. Her idea for putting the program together, as she said, was "to pull the community together for the sake of unity through unconditional love among her people." There were several acts that featured much of the Haitian culture in the form of music, drums, dance, and some acting. It was inspiring to hear, see, and feel the joyous spirit of the island people and their heartistic expression of life.
A duet musical offering by Scott and Keiko (from WFWP) introduced the theme of peace. Then Mrs. Gudrun Gavin introduced the Women's Federation for World Peace as an organization founded to help realize true peace in the world.
"WFWP is an organization that focuses on empowering women to work on important areas, including improving the health of the individual, the family, and the society, as well as teaching that today's women hold the keys for such success," Mrs. Gavin said.
She shared her own experiences working in Haiti alongside the many other WFWP volunteers who are involved in Haiti relief efforts, who strive to bring to Haiti a message of hope during desperate times. "Efforts such as these will bring opportunities to realize positive changes and real peace," she said.