On Saturday, May 17, 2014, the Women's Federation for World Peace: Peace Circle of Compassion was brought to fruition by an inspiration to reach out to and connect our hearts with the 300 kidnapped Nigerian school girls who had been abducted. It was initiated by Ambassador for Peace and WFWP member Mrs. Rose Gbadamassi, Executive Director and Founder of the Haitian Community of Minnesota.
With a prior commitment to fast from 6 am to noon (the duration of the event), participants gathered in a Peace Circle of Compassion around a flickering and illuminating candle of hope that had been prayerfully and purposefully placed in the midst of the circle. The participants began to create an atmosphere of oneness in heart with our Nigerian sisters bound in captivity and with all the women who are our sisters and who have been devalued and mistreated throughout the world.
Within this sacred circle flowed a harmonious cycle of representative and group songs and prayers, meditations, readings of the loving and comforting words of Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and of Jesus.
As each hour passed, each person visualized the young Nigerian girls being set free by their captors. They visualized that those captors would awaken to a deep realization that these young women are their own daughters and their sisters; and that their hearts would be filled with intense remorse for what they had done and were doing.