WFWP Chairwoman Denneze Nelson speaking at the CSW 59
New Jersey's chairwoman, Mrs. Denneze Nelson, is a talented speaker, and she gave a powerful speech at the United Nation's annual CSW (Commission on the Status of Women), event last month. Previously, Mrs. Nelson had been invited to speak at the Africa New Hope Association event on February 22. After an invigorating speech, she received a standing ovation and was then approached by Dr. Ada Okika from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to give a speech for the CSW 59. Without hesitation or knowing the full details, Mrs. Nelson said yes.
Later when Dr. Okika sent out the details for the event, Mrs. Nelson was surprised to learn that she had been invited to be a keynote speaker for the only event addressing the issue of Spiritual Evaluation of the Beijing Declaration at the CSW 59. Mrs. Nelson felt honored that she had the opportunity to highlight WFWP's cofounders', Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon's and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon's views to the UN's environment. Mrs. Nelson read excerpts from Rev. Moon's speech; "Messages of Peace" as well as Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon's Peace Messages. Mrs. Nelson shared about the ideals of Women's Federation for World Peace from her speech. A significant quote that she shared follows: "The Women's Federation for World Peace strongly promotes realizing God's ideal world and a world which centers on the ideal of True Parents."
During her speech there were numerous instances of applause; and afterwards many participants requested copies of the speech. One guest at the event stated, "You could see the room get brighter as you spoke; this was so uplifting". Mrs. Nelson was accompanied to the event by other affiliated organizations: Africa New Hope Association (ANHA), Association of Christian Evangelicals; and Family Federation for World Peace (FFWP). Each person in the group who attended with her was from a different continent and so represented most of the world.
Although this was an unexpected UN representation, as a result of her speech, Mrs. Nelson was invited to be on the core committee for the Religious Women Council Summit which will be held in September. It will be sponsored by the UNESCO Center for Global Education. The Summit intends to bring 1000 women religious leaders and leading women officials to the USA. In the very first meeting, the committee asked if Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon would be willing to be the Keynote Speaker.
Another interesting development is that a non WFWP member asked if the committee could have a couples' break out session and for some group invited to share what good married life is like. Mrs. Nelson highly recommended that the FFWP, WFWP, or one of its affiliates should run this session and encourage the couples to "have their marriage Blessed." The committee continues to meet and a request was made by non WFWP members for the Universal Peace Federation to become a partner to the committee.
New Jersey WFWP members who attended
CSW Panel members listening to Mrs. Nelson
New Jersey CSW Attendees