On Sunday September 27, WFWP Hackensack decided to celebrate the WFWP members whose birthdays were in July and August.
Everyone met at the Clifton Shops on the Promenade and each person received $5 to spend freely. We bought cappuccinos and read together from June Saunders’ book "Boundless as the Sea, a Guide to Family Love.” We read how important the bonds in the family are, and how good relationships in the family strengthen individuals later on in their lives.
"In the family we have our first experiences of love (or lack of it) which mold our characters. No matter what position we achieve in society, what level of education we receive...through the ups and downs of life our families form a set of intimate relationships which sets the norms for all other relationships we have in the world...the family is paramount because we learn to love and be loved within its framework". (Page 7.)
Each lady shared about her family experience growing up and how that affected her life now. Then we ventured into an accessory store called "Charming Charlie's” which sorts accessories by color, and it was quite a fun experience to shop there, even though we were there mostly to just look around.
Honoring Mrs. Marguerite Debois
Mrs. Marguerite Debois, whose birthday we were celebrating, let us know about growing up in Damascus, Syria and the situation of her relatives there. Lourdes told us about her family and growing up in Cuba.
We hope to meet again soon and to further the goals of WFWP in Hackensack, New Jersey in support of families and bringing a mother’s heart to all situations we meet.