Chapter activity planning in Virginia
Generally speaking, planning meetings are not the most interesting things to write or read about. However, the Virginia Chapter planning meeting that followed the D.C. Metro Area event entitled "Women's and Mother's Role in Saving America" was anything but boring.
Virginia Chapter Chairwoman Mrs. Zena Ruf and her daughter Angela were so inspired by WFWP President Angelika Selle's powerful presentations that they immediately called the chapter together to brainstorm programs for the rest of the year and beyond to support WFWP's national goals.
Action is being taken to connect with the local youth group to help raise funds for the Schools of Africa program. Surveys are being created to gather young people's views for service projects and action steps in Virginia.
For an upcoming community barbeque, WFWP is designing exhibits and a table with a banner saying, "Women Unite! You can change the world. Come find out how!" There will be a survey at the barbecue that will ask ladies, and especially young ladies, what they are interested in supporting and participating in.
It looks as though we will be hearing more from Virginia in the near future. It is all thanks to the new inspiration coming from having our President in the area and guiding us forward with her vision of women's essential role in creating world peace, one community at a time.
Group photo