Patrick and his therapist
When most parents receive a diagnosis of Autism or something else, immediately the thought comes: “Is there a Cure?” There is a lot of effort put into this, and oftentimes it only leads to disappointment and even hopelessness. There is some kind of a stigma associated with having a child with a disability. There is hope for a Cure; yet, like the Fountain of Youth, it is out of reach, beyond this dimension.
In my opinion, a person needs to understand the functions of the parts of the brain and how they interconnect and work together. Oftentimes, signals misfire in a part of the brain that causes a disconnect. Also, we know that most people do not use all their brains capabilities. This could be due to brain damage at birth or it could be a part of the brain that did not develop in the fetus.
It is complicated to understand the cause of the disability; and likewise, to develop one single cure for such a vast majority of the population that is affected. This is due, in my opinion, to the fact that each person is a unique individual and, as such, reacts to the environment in different ways. So, what will help one child with a disability may not help another child with the same diagnosis. That is why I find it so frustrating when well-meaning people send me articles about Autism, because what has helped someone else’s child will not necessarily help mine.
Also, there is a wide spectrum with each diagnosis. There is a range from slightly affected, to extremely affected. For those who are only slightly affected by their diagnosis, a cure is more easily discussed and sought after. However, with those who have some type of brain damage or are more affected by their brain’s misfired signals, then a cure is seldom discussed or even sought after.
For me, seeking a cure is meaningless. My focus is on the present and working with what I have. It is in giving love and serving, rather than looking outward for a “Cure,” that will help not only my son with a disability but all children, regardless of what life has given to them. For me, if there is a “Cure,” it manifests itself in my own ability to give unconditional love. As I truly believe, that is the “Cure” that is being sought.