In Celebration of Women's History Month, the Ohio Chapter of WFWP held a program called "Her Story: A Divine Principle Perspective". This was modeled after our WFWP USA's President, Angelika Selle's successful program. However, we changed the power point to include founding Mothers of different religions. Thank you to Marcia for working so hard to develop the power point. We had this event on March 23, from 7-9 pm, at 4303 Indianola Ave. Columbus, Ohio.
It was a rather last minute decision to have this event; yet all WFWP members worked well together and I am very grateful that everyone came to support the event. Also, I was quite pleased, because the young lady who I was thinking about while preparing the notes for the presentation was the one guest that was in attendance!! We had met previously at our ACLC Prayer Breakfast, and we had a wonderful discussion on our common beliefs, being that Jesus should have married and had children.
The evening began by having an Introduction to WFWP, by Thea Schlichting. Her Mother is the WFWP President in Germany. Thea was to the point and gave a very impressive introduction from the heart. It moved all who had come to support this event. Thanks Thea!
The power point, Her Story: A Divine Principle Perspective was next on the agenda, given by Caryn Olsson. We had all the major religions covered, with the founding Mothers introduced. The thing that struck me the most is that all religions had men at the fore front. However, we know that behind the most successful man is the woman!
In conclusion, I would like to share a quote by Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the co-founder of WFWP. This is from "Resurrection and Liberation of the World's Women Part II. "We should be given birth twice. We must go through two mothers, our physical mother and the True Mother who gives us rebirth".