Each day is a new one, and this is a gift from God! No matter how tough the day is, I can always be comforted by knowing that the next day is going to come. In this year of 2016, how should we look at not only our children who have a disability, but all others who struggle daily with a disability? The answer I have may surprise you, yet it is one word: HOPE. I choose daily to have hope rather than despair. It is hard at times to see a hopeful outcome; however, when one puts on the glasses of LOVE, the situation appears so vastly different.
One might ask, "How do you maintain hope?" My solution is by serving, mostly due to the fact that the one with the disability might not be able to do it for him or herself. Lately, I have been receiving help in developing a behavior plan for Patrick. It is also important to receive help for someone who has a disability. The truth is: one person can't do everything.
Hope doesn't occur naturally, I think. It is something that one develops and works on daily. It is easy to be fearful of the future, or what others might think. Yet I feel that there will be future developments in science and healing that will let us feel more freedom when it comes to dealing with a disability. In the meantime, we have a unique opportunity to grow our spirit through the challenges of our life.
Let us work at putting on our glasses of LOVE, so we can really see things with different eyes! Let us work at serving our family members who have a disability, so that they can reach their potential.
With God, all things are possible.
Patrick and Thrax