One guest, Mrs. Christina Christodoulou, Founder and President of Cyprus Association of Prenatal Education (CAPE,, commented, “The pleasure was mine to attend this conference. The message was so uplifting and informative. People like Mrs. Selle are rare and I am feeling incredibly blessed that I have met you.” (Please see below for more of Christina’s reflection)

Mrs. Ruby O’Connor stated, “I never get tired of going when I am going somewhere. I always feel alive and valuable when I come to any event that uplifts people. I am just happy right now…I love you; thank you so much.”

“I was affected by the idea that Eve, or any woman, does not have to tolerate or listen to words that tear her down or take away her purpose,” added, Reverend Patra Kidwell, a presenter at the conference.

Min. Fannie Smith, WFWP Board Member and Schools of Africa National Coordinator, shared her testimony of the experience:

“The collaboration and unity of ACLC Women In Ministry and WFWP ignited a sisterhood never before seen in Chicago! This was a joint effort to bring good news for the family, community, nation, and world. Attendees not only crossed city lines to attend, but women from diverse cultures and economic means joined in the discussions. Mrs. Angelika Selle, President of WFWP, the keynote speaker, brought the true essence of our founder Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon's love and goals for all women as we prepare to fight for the greatest institution of all: the family! My deep appreciation to all ACLC WIM leaders and Love Train Ministries for including us in this Godly triumph.”  

Reflection from WFWP Illinois Advisor Patricia Fliginger:
“This weekend's event embodied that special quality of true love, through the support of: Reverend Kunihiro Sagisaka (Chicago's ACLC Coordinator), FFWP District Pastor Jeff Schmidt, and all our local Clergy including Evang. Greta Myers (Coordinator of ACLC Women In Ministry, Chicago and Founder of Love Train Ministry), Reverend Sigur-Ramsa, Min. Fannie Smith, Reverend Etta Ellis, Carrie Tonkumoh, Sadako Maeda, and many others. We are so grateful to Pastor T.L. Barrett and First Lady Cleo Barrett of Life Center C.O.G.I.C. and Sister Joan Barrett for the use of their church fellowship hall and hospitality.

The highlights of the program included special presentations by Reverend Sigur-Ramsa and Dr. Patra Kidwell, interactive discussions, and musical performances by the youth choir of Holy Trinity and a solo by Evang. Rita Pritchett. We prayed in unity and shared a toast, creating a loving and hope-filled atmosphere. Everyone felt a new sense of commitment towards their families and communities.”

Reverend Patra Kidwell one of the presenters

Reverend Patra Kidwell one of the presenters

Reflection from Glovinia Williams of the Collegiate Training Institute:
“Angelika, what a pleasure to hear you speak in Chicago, at the ACLC Women In Ministry Conference. After you presented, I was inspired and more encouraged ‘to live for the sake of others.’

For several years, throughout the United States and abroad, I have been actively involved in various aspects of women's ministry. With that being said, I would like to inquire: how can I contribute and become active in WFWP USA?

Your words of wisdom from Reverend Sun Myung Moon for us to ‘choose Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon as an example’ resonated in my heart and the hearts of those in attendance.

What a fine example you set before me and all those in attendance, as you edified Reverend and Mother Moon and encouraged us to: ‘pray every night, think to the future, establish God's way, lead by example, and follow their proven example of how to build the Kingdom of Heaven.’  Again, wow!”

Reflection from Mrs. Christina Christodoulou, continued from above:

“I am very grateful and thankful for the chance I had from the ACLC Women in Ministry to attend the seminar and meet so many wonderful and amazing people. I feel incredibly blessed for that.

I would like to thank WFWP Illinois Chairwoman Mrs. Kathryn Davis for inviting me to the seminar and making me a part of such a beautiful event. People like Mrs. Davis are rare, and I am very lucky that I have met her.

I was inspired and enlightened that the goal of Women in Ministry is to reflect the heart of God by ministering to rebuild the family, restore the community, and renew the nation and the world. Women of all faiths will, [together], teach the heart of God and the true values of marriage and family to the family, the community, the nation, and the world.

I found the seminar informative and worthwhile. I remember Archbishop George Augustus Stallings’ profound message, encouraging everyone to live lives that are consistent with their faith in God. This life of faith, he explained, necessitates that people treat others as their own brothers and sisters, because everyone is a child of God. Archbishop Stallings also emphasized that the Kingdom of Heaven is something that is built through our own work within our marriages, families, communities, and the nation.

I would also like to thank WFWP USA President Angelika Selle for your speech. It was an enormous privilege both to be in the seminar but to also have been given the opportunity to learn all the beneficial things from WFWP Founder, Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon, who has dedicated her life to the quest for peace. She and her husband, Reverend Sun Myung Moon, have reached out to some of the world's most painful places, bringing a message of hope and peace, with a motherly heart, and encouraging reconciliation and new beginnings.

What I keep in my mind from your speech is that women’s responsibility in the quest for world peace involves the deepest elements of human existence: the heart of God, the suffering of humanity, and the meaning of human history.

I liked your explanation that WFWP’s approach to creating a world of peace revolves around our core focus on marriage and family; there is no sustainable peace without sustainable families. As cultures throughout the world wrestle with social breakdown, resulting in shattered families, WFWP brings to light the beauty and primacy of marriage and of the bonds of love within the family unit. This inspiration gives rise to a variety of WFWP projects, as we take substantial steps toward a hopeful future for a broad and great human family.

I would like to acknowledge the importance of couples taking a sacred vow to preserve their lifelong marriage commitment and to raise children to live for the sake of God and other people, as global citizens. Peace is so much more than an absence of conflict or crime. Genuine and sustainable peace includes true bonds of love and fosters joy, creativity, and true freedom.

Finally, I would like to thank WFWP Middle East President Dr. Zoe Bennett, who introduced me to WFWP a long time ago and with whom I’ve been working for more than 7 years, organizing amazing events for peace in Cyprus. Dr. Bennett has taught children, teachers, and professors how to create peace and how to shape our character, and that the role of women is to prevent violence and discover ways to create peace.

Thank you again for your hospitality and a pleasant day. After moving to the US, I would be honored to help spread the peace in the world. I am looking forward to helping the mission of WFWP in the USA.


