The WFWP Philadelphia Chapter recently hosted an event to promote teen abstinence. On January 20, a group of 33 people composed of parents and middle and high school students came to listen to a high-impact PowerPoint presentation on the topic of "sexual abstinence." Jamal Johnson, a dynamic and expert presenter from the Institute of Relationship Intelligence, gave an informative presentation, providing the audience with knowledge and awareness to help us work toward our goals in life. He emphasized that the goal of avoiding mistakes in high school is to eventually enjoy a happy, committed sexual relationship, and that the abstinence program can help teens apply confidence skills and other positive behaviors to assist them on this path.
In part of the presentation, the audience participated in a mock teen dialogue that was a discussion on how to defend oneself and avoid destructive behaviors, pressures, and challenges that young boys and girls face in their daily lives while they are trying to build their future.
Jizly Dohou, Co-chairwoman of WFWP Philadelphia, opened the event by honoring the members of the audience who will be participating this year in Pennsylvania's first annual essay contest on sexual abstinence. Bishop Cristine Crossby gave an opening prayer, and Ohanna Aguilera performed for the audience.