Clean Slate Seminar in Fairfax, VA
Jan 12 – "What Does Abstinence Have To Do With Peace?" Clean Slate Seminar in Fairfax, VA part of the DC Metro area. This was a seminar where women could further their understanding of their role as mothers of this world and gain the tools for bringing about real and sustainable peace. There were 30 women as well as some men in participation. Heidi Iseda, the national Clean Slate program and project coordinator from Los Angeles, then began presenting the Clean Slate training program. She first introduced the program, then demonstrated the importance of abstinence education for both children and parents worldwide. Mrs. Iseda was accompanied by Priya D'Silva Franklin, who gave the audience a sample of the Clean Slate program material. She led the audience through hands-on activities, real life role playing, and questionnaires. After listening to the engaging educational presentations, and to the testimonies of its previous successes, the audience agreed that abstinence truly has everything to do with peace.
Speakers at HerStory Presentation in NY
Jan 19 – "Spirituality-Healing-Service" HerStory Seminar in New York, NY. This was a seminar of deeply internal discussion of the history of women, their devotion to God and their path to bring healing today. President Angelica Selle gave two presentations on Women as Turning Points in History and Principles of Restoration & Reconciliation: Women as Healers in this New Age. Vice President Rev. Juanita Pierre-Louis spoke presented the Principles of Creation: Physical and Spiritual Health. Dr. Gilda Price explained and presented The Cause of Human Suffering. Approximately 70 women and men, young as well as seasoned, gathered in Manhattan.
Jan 20-21 – President Angelika Selle was invited to speak in Boston, MA. Her sermon entitled, "It's Healin' Time" was received well by the congregation Sunday morning. She spoke on relationships, good sex within marriage, how to heal, and where are we going after Foundation Day. On Monday, a small prayer breakfast with around 12 women was held in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Mrs. Selle Speaking in Minnesota
Jan 25-27 – "Women as the Turning Points of Peace – New Era, New Mindset" Seminar in Minneapolis, MN. This was also the first event held by the newly opened chapter with Jeannette Henry as the new Chairwoman and her team. Over 40 people attended, including women leaders, members, and young ladies who listened to the history of WFWP and the direction it's moving in today, truly a new era. On Sunday morning, Angelika once again gave her inspiring sermon, "It's Healin' Time" with over 80 in attendance.
Mrs. Nandi Moton Presenting Pure Love Curriculum
Jan 25-27 – "The New Paradigm for Love, Sex & Family" Seminar in Atlanta, GA. Coordinated by Chairwoman, Nandi Moton, this seminar was to introduce the importance of sexual abstinence before marriage as a step for character building, to educate parents on how to build a supportive family environment to ensure their children are able to build lasting future marriages. Nandi presented on Love, Sex and Dating: The Influence of Society on Our Moral Decisions and Discovering Myself, which talked about the dangers of dating and the harmful effects it has on our self-esteem. About 55 attendees listened to guest speaker, Vice President Juanita Pierre-Louis, who presented the Parent Centered Ideology, where a healthy and happy marriage may be more important than we think.
V.P. Juanita Pierre-Louis Speaking in Detroit Michigan
Feb 1 – "Heal Thy Self" International Dinner in Warren, MI. This was also the first event held by the newly opened chapter with Michelle Lindsay as the new Chairwoman. WFWP members and guests came together to meet and receive Vice President Juanita's presentation on the topics of spirituality and healing, marriage, family and the blessing. With almost 40 that attended, participants enjoyed her presentation which explained the association of the body and the spirit and connected women's issues with their solutions through relationship building, marriage and family.
Chicago Leadership Team with V.P. Pierre-Louis
Feb 2-3 – "Spirituality-Healing-Service: It Takes a Village to Restore the Family" Seminar was held on 2/2 where many clergy women attended due in large part to the co-sponsorship provided by the ACLC. With around 25 in attendance, each guest was able to introduce themselves. VP Juanita Pierre-Louis shared an in-depth presentation on women's health, healing, and spirituality and advice for their families, as well as an explanation of the meaning and purpose of the blessing. Patricia Fliginger introduced WFWP and invited all to join as members, at which several guests signed up on the spot. On 2/3, a meet and greet with Juanita was held for the primary members of WFWP Chicago chapter. A call to action with trial membership and easy membership renewal was offered. More than 20 membership forms were collected.
Mrs. Selle Presenting GWPN PowerPoint
Feb 9 – "From Global to Local and From Local to Global", was introduced by The Global Women's Peace Network in Washington, DC. Mrs. Tomiko Duggan, vice-chairwoman for GWPN, welcomed guests and gave an explanation of the need for The Global Women's Peace Network, which is a joint project of WFWP. Its purpose is to create a network of women who work together across barriers and territorial lines and by pooling their expertise, help relieve the suffering of humankind. President Angelika Selle gave a presentation on "HerStory", with historical insights into the need for a women's era, and the necessity for women's increased leadership at all levels of society in order to resolve the problems plaguing people throughout the world and finally establishing lasting peace in the human family. Each participant then introduced herself and spoke of the issues and, or the projects close to her heart.
Clean Slate Seminar Presentations
November 6,7, 2012 in Denver, Colorado
November 18, 2012 in Pasadena, California
December 8, 2012 in San Leandro, California
December 19,20, 2012 in Rosemead, California
January 8,10, 2013 in El Monte, California
January 12, 2013 in Fairfax, Virginia
January 26, 2013 in Seattle, Washington
February 7, 2013 in Seattle, Washington
February 9, 2013 in Minneapolis, Minnesota
February 12, 2013 in Cudahy, California
February 14, 2013 in Seattle, Washington
February 17, 2013 in Columbus, Ohio
North Carolina