On May 29, 2016 more than 120 women gathered to participate in the Bridge of Peace Ceremony in South Gate, California.

The Bridge of Peace ceremony is the signature project of the Women's Federation for World Peace. Crossing the Bridge of Peace is an opportunity for those who participate to experience healing and reconciliation. No one is exempt from the need for this. I felt deeply the need for peace in the world today and decided to organize and hold the ceremony during Memorial Day weekend which gave it even greater meaning. Having the ceremony then gave the participants the experience of the vision, knowledge, and reality that peace really does begin with each of us.

The City of South Gate is located geographically in the center of Los Angeles. As the main organizer of the project I felt that in the same way that ripples from a rock thrown into still water spread out in ever wider circles, so peace begins from two individuals who do not even know each other, but pledge to live by the logic of love. That beautiful concept of living for the sake of others can spread the process of world peace to faraway places, in the same way that the ripples from the rock in still water do.

South Gate's Vice Mayor, Maria Davila was MC for the event and introduced the Southern California Chairwoman, Mrs. Emma Reed. She shared about the many projects the Los Angeles Chapter is doing and invited all the guests to become members of Women's Federation for World Peace.

Ms. Davila invited all the guests to enjoy a traditional Mexican meal including rice, beans, chicken, and fresh salsa before introducing our Keynote speaker.

The keynote speaker, Mrs. Sheri Rueter, is the Director of Health Services and the Lead School Nurse in San Gabriel Unified School District. She is a past Vice President and Chairwoman of WFWP. Sheri spoke about the history of the Bridge of Peace and explained the simple procedure of bowing to show respect and then meeting someone with the heart of love necessary to bring peace in the world.

When the participants met their new 'sister' they met someone they had never met before, yet they greeted each other with open arms and heart! It was beautiful to see; and, as each couple met, the atmosphere in the room became more and more joyful. After all the women crossed the bridge, exchanged certificates, and made plans to meet again soon, the men who were there crossed the bridge and met as brothers, too!

Then there was entertainment by Margarita Luna from neighboring Huntington Park. She sang "It’s a Wonderful World." Mrs. Yang from Korea sang "You Lift Me Up" both in English and Korean. Rebecca Zinke sang “Love Can Build a Bridge". And the Justin Janer Jazz band played while the guests ate lunch.

One amazing part of this event was the presence of an actual bridge in the room, which was built 20 years ago to do these programs. It was set up this time and was beautiful to behold. The bridge seems to have magical powers to create a heavenly atmosphere wherever it is used. Our hope is to use it more and more in the future.

Women's Federation for World Peace has as its mission: “Women working together to establish a culture of heart in the family, community, nation and world in order to achieve genuine and sustainable peace under God.” The Bridge of Peace is a beautiful symbol of hope, love, and forgiveness exemplifying the mission.


At the conclusion of the event, everyone held hands and formed a big circle while singing “Let There Be Peace on Earth.”

I would like to thank Vanesa Janer for being the photographer for the day, and to the wonderful volunteers who shared their talents and abilities. And a special thank you to the men who helped to paint and put up the bridge for the ceremony.


