Celebrating the "passing of the baton" with Mrs. Justine Cherutich, Mrs. Laura Hornbeck, and Mrs. Alexa Ward
On Sunday, August 16, 2015, Mrs. Laura Hornbeck, who has worked with WFWP since its inception in 1992, is moving on from being Chairwoman for the Dallas, Texas Chapter. She was celebrated and honored for her leadership and heart for WFWP. Mrs. Justine Cherutich was officially inaugurated as the new chairwoman.
Both women spoke of their commitment to the ideals of WFWP as espoused by co-founders Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon—often affectionately referred to as Father and Mother Moon. Laura encouraged everyone to look around the room, where about 90 people were assembled, and notice that every ethnicity and many religions were represented. “The reason for this diversity is the nature of WFWP and its ideals, as taught by our founders and promoted by every member of the organization. Through the Bridge of Peace ceremonies, former enemies have come face to face, shared an embrace, and committed themselves to overcoming past conflicts. Through all the activities of WFWP, the value of true love and living for the sake of others shines through,” she said.
Justine spoke about her decision to take on the position of chairwoman. She said that she was deeply saddened when Father Moon passed away almost three years ago. She was grieved to see the sorrow etched in his wife’s face, and she prayed to be able to help alleviate Mother Moon’s suffering in some way. When the position of WFWP chairwoman became available this year, she was approached and encouraged to consider assuming the role. But she was unsure, since she works as a nurse and has two teenagers at home. Then her husband, Charles, said, “Remember your prayers of three years ago? This might be the way you can fulfill your commitment to Mother Moon.” Justine recognized that her husband was correct, and she decided to accept the responsibility. She is especially interested in the Marriage and Family Initiative of WFWP.
Alexa Ward, Justine Cherutich, Linda Holliday, Ester Davis, Laura Hornbeck and Fusae Jackson
Long-time supporters and members of WFWP, along with spouses and friends, were in attendance. Mrs. Alexa Ward, former President of WFWP USA and current Deputy Director of the WFWP UN Office, traveled there from New York to offer words of appreciation to Laura, a long-time friend, and to give encouragement to Justine. She also brought gifts of thanks for several people. Laura spoke some final words of deep gratitude for the many Japanese women in the Northern Texas area who had been the backbone of WFWP activities, always attending meetings, preparing food, inviting guests, and making everything come together. And as usual, they were the ones in the kitchen that afternoon, preparing a delicious banquet and then organizing the clean up afterwards. They deserve to be appreciated and honored for their ongoing support of all of WFWP’s activities, not just in Texas, but wherever there is a WFWP chapter anywhere in the world.
Evangelist Linda Holliday, who has been a loyal WFWP supporter over the years, attended the event along with her husband, actor Kene Holliday. Linda spoke on behalf of WFWP and called for an offering for WFWP. It was a joyful celebration of the past, present, and future for the local WFWP chapter.
Laura and Justine
Overview of the room
Texas Pastor John Jackson with Laura and Justine
Pastor Linda Holliday speaking