
US Army 1950-1952
The Korean War

Written by Elma King- October 30, 2018

In honor of Veteran’s day 2018, WFWP subscriber Elma King interviewed and submitted the following feature highlighting her friend Sergeant Kenneth Kelly’s service, sacrifice, and dedication to freedom during the Korean War:

It was just four days after my 18th birthday that I joined the army. I joined because I am very proud to be an American. I wanted to defend my country that I LOVE at all cost. After basic training, I was sent to Korea. I was given a position as a Machine Gunner on Heartbreak Ridge. I was given the rank as a Staff Sergeant and Squad Leader, even though I had less than a ninth grade education.

I was in the army for 14 months. Nine of those months I was fighting in North Korea and China, and five of those months I was guarding prisoners of war. I did not get injured at all during my 14 months in the army, but I sure was scared as I saw bombs hitting the ground, and bullets hitting the air all around me. I did a lot of praying, because I knew I was in God’s hands.

I was there when the Korean Armistice Agreement was signed. There was no peace treaty signed, but we had a cease-fire agreement. In this cease-fire agreement neither side surrendered; neither side won.

I fought three major battles; and won medals and awards in Combat INF-3 STARS. I returned home with an honorable certificate in recognition for my service during the Korean War. I was so proud of my uniform, and wanted to show it off to everyone. This uniform stood for Democracy and Freedom given to us by our creator God, and it’s worth fighting for.

Our Beloved brother, Mr. Kelly, I will end part one of your story with some very precious words written by WFWP Co-Founder Rev. Sun Myung Moon, who was incarcerated in the Heungnam Prison at the time of the Korean war;

He said, “If you think love is small, it is very small, and if you think love is large, it is very large. A slight wink from a loved one will make you feel as if heaven and earth are turning upside down. A smile from the one you love would make you feel as if heaven and earth were within your heart.”

Love alone can break down barriers. People in love are completely possessed by it. Each word they venture to peace will be based on the LOVE that claims them.

Thank you for your love for America and the world. There is no doubt that you LOVE this land; God bless the USA!!


