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"...a woman does not exist to be a man's assistant or simply an object of his protection, but rather is an independent entity who brings completion to a man by standing in a position that represents the other aspect of God. In the ideal of true love, a woman exists as a man's noble partner, as the recipient who can reciprocate his love. From the perspective of value, a man and a woman are equal." Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon
As spring quietly and inevitably replaces the chill of winter, many opportunities to celebrate and empower one another through synergy arise. On the day before Easter Sunday, WFWP USA collaborated with the International Family Church in Richmond, Virginia, to host a Women's History Month event honoring women as peacemakers and peace leaders and celebrating a new era of synergy between women and supportive men.
Following WFWP's founder, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon's, guidance on cooperation and synergy; and, as part of Richmond's International Family Church's annual activity to raise awareness of women's issues to celebrate and empower women in leadership as true peacemakers; the International Family Church and the Richmond Chapter of WFWP invited WFWP USA President Angelika Selle and newly appointed Vice Presidents Katarina Connery to be featured at the luncheon.
Fr. Bayo Adrien and Mrs. Ayano Ishii-Adrien
The event brought together an international group of couples, partners in ministry, and intergenerational leadership. The purpose was to investigate ways to create synergy centering on couples and to discover how to partner in healthy working relationships on all levels. Mrs. Ayano Ishii-Adrien, Chairwoman of the Richmond Chapter of WFWP, took the lead in preparing, planning, and opening up this event with Father Bayo Adrien, her husband, partner, and pastor of the FFWPU (Family Federation for World Peace and Unification), Richmond's International Family Church.
The highlight of the event was celebrating the newly appointed WFWP USA Vice President Katarina Connery together with her husband, Dr. Michael Connery, who had both served in the Richmond ministry up to that point. As young adult members of the Richmond International Family Church, they have actively sought to represent the heart of cooperative leadership that is required and essential for achieving the ideal world of peace and mutual prosperity.
It was an honor to have WFWP USA President Rev. Angelika Selle and her husband Robert Selle, join the event. Through presenting their harmonized working relationship, based on mutual respect and support, the late Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon's work as the ultimately synergized couple could be exemplified and introduced. As the founders of WFWP and numerous other organizations around the world, they have taught the Principles of Peace stating that, when men and women work together as couples, humanity can break through the age-old barriers of gender, race and cultural backgrounds to create a new culture of harmony and peace in the family, society, nation, and world.
It was truly a dream come true, a true family affair. Attending families rallied around WFWP's vision and mission. Men as husbands and brothers supported their wives and sisters. In response, women as wives and sisters gratefully and humbly accepted this support.
Fr. Bayo Adrien spoke and reminded all present, "Women's issues are the family, community, nation and world related issues that affect everyone. The way we value, encourage, support and protect our sisters, wives, daughters and mothers determines the peace and prosperity of our families, our communities and our society as a whole."
WFWP President Angelika Selle emphasized that men and women need to work together in harmony--not competing with one another, but completing one another. She warmly welcomed Mrs. Connery, who gave her debut speech and stirred up the audience with her keen insight as to why she has hope for the future through WFWP.
Dr. Michael Connery, from Richmond, Virginia and a recent doctoral medical graduate of the Medical College of Virginia (MCV) introduced his wife. Mrs. Katarina Connery holds a bachelor's degree in International Political Economy and Diplomacy from the University of Bridgeport, and a master's degree in International Relations from the University of Pittsburgh. She has been working for the World Affairs Council in Richmond, Virginia, in the area of membership and program development. This organization is part of a network of eighty five councils in the US that focus on international affairs, as well as provide educational resources to teachers and students.
Mrs. Connery shared an engaging conscientious message about the inconsistencies that exist with funding and development on the international level among donor country agencies, NGOs, and the developing nations they are set up to aid. Mrs. Connery's international studies have prepared her with unique insight into the root problems of development. Her faith and love for God strengthens her desire to help contribute solutions for a fairer and more empathetic approach to women, family, and world issues.
At the time of this writing Dr. Michael and Mrs. Katarina Connery, are schedule to move up to Connecticut in early summer. Dr. Connery, has received his residency there. As Mrs. Ishii-Adrien noted in her presentation, "We will miss them, but we do wish them the very best of a blessed life." Mrs. Adrien led us in a call to action for monthly WFWP membership meetings, projects and vision-sharing.
The Connery's receiving congratulatory flowers
Through this event the emerging young adult leaders Dr. Michael and Mrs. Katarina Connery were congratulated and celebrated. The event included the appointment of three women Ambassadors for Peace, congratulatory remarks by husbands, live music, flower presentations, and cake cutting. It was truly a family affair of One Family under God. As an added treat, Mr. William and Mrs. Misako Connery prepared gift packages for everyone present to take home with them.
Truly, when men can recognize women as their noble partners, a whole new world opens up. The April 4th collaborative event in Richmond, Virginia was an example of just such support and collaboration. The synergy that was created on that day brought hope to all present.
Group photo
Men supporting WFWP