Trying to navigate today's American spiritual quagmire without a working and calibrated moral compass to gauge and measure the chasms of temptation surrounding today's youth is for all intents and purposes impossible. America has become a crass and consumer society, and one of the largest and most profitable of all its markets is sex. In all its commercial forms and variants, sex is not only sold to American youth (and that at an ever-increasingly younger age), in America it is celebrated and propagandized as our new cultural pastime. The Business of Sex has transcended any concept of national modesty, marketing its wares in movie, print, television, song, clothing and every other imaginable venue possible. Bluntly speaking, sex has become an American hobby, a toy in the hands of boys and a tool used by girls blithely seeking emotional commitment from immature boys.

Who can argue with the fact that abstaining from sexual relations and retaining one's purity prior to marriage prevents the obvious damage and risks: STD's and unwanted pregnancies are but just two of the unintended consequences of wanton premarital sexual activity. Others include the emotional anguish and scars as gifts to those who are psychologically immature and ill-prepared for the aftermath of illicit and immoral sex. But, sadly enough, even these known repercussions alone are not enough to discourage premarital sex and to prevent the sexual tsunami drowning youth today.

In fact, there seems to be quite very little which can be done to stem the now present epidemic of premarital sex. Really, in most cases, premarital sex is fairly much permitted, if not encouraged: condoms are suggested, birth control pills are proferred, and abortion is a girl's best friend in a world turned morally topsy-turvy. What's seldom mentioned and detailed in the saga of sexual licentiousness is the damage done to an individual's psyche and soul and the intention of sexual from a spiritual perspective.

In a faith-filled world of the believer, God endowed man and woman with the gift of sexual intercourse as an intimate sharing of body and soul to another within the context of marriage. To the Christian, for example, sex is embodied in the example of Christ Jesus Himself, who laid down His sacred body on the cross for the forgiveness of sins. The church becomes his "bride" and the two become one, and only in the sacrament of marriage is sexual union permitted. Until the consummation of marriage occurs, an individual's body rightly belongs to God alone and is not to be abused and diminished in recreational sex. However, in today's world, too often there is no consideration of any divine spiritual value in sexual activity. In the modern world, the operating premise concerning sex runs something like this: "My body belongs to me and I can do with it as I please! No one, neither parent nor God, can tell me what to do with my body!" It is this rejection of God and His moral values and commandments which sets the stage for the arrogant corruption of freedom in matters sexual leading to licentious and immoral behavior.

Unfortunately, in our current world there seems to be little practical advice one can give another for avoiding the pitfalls and sins of premarital sex outside of spiritual guidance. The most important encouragement that can be provided to peers contemplating premarital sex is the reminder that true love represented in sexual activity is reserved by God for marriage alone.

Everyone who is dedicated to abstaining from sex before marriage has a responsibility to encourage others to do the same. One of the greatest acts of love, humanly, could possibly be spreading the positive message of self-restraint. Protecting your fellow human beings from the risks of premarital sex is not only important but an obligation of anybody who practices abstinence. Excellent ways to inform friends how to stay pure before marriage include explaining the dangers of drugs and alcohol, the importance of being surrounded by positive influences, the danger of "flirting with temptation". Drugs and alcohol impair one's judgment whether they're familiar with the substance or not. Having friends that share the same views as you and positive influences around yourself can greatly strengthen one's morals and decrease their chances of becoming unhappy due to premarital sex. It is impossible to maintain a relationship with someone who does not respect and share your views on abstinence. The temptation of premarital sex is inevitable and if your choices can't be respected, you need to leave that relationship as soon as possible. Trying anything that could possibly make yourself tempted to compromise your choice of purity is extremely risky. The chain of events from flirting to sex will seem short if you are willing to jeopardize your health and self-esteem.

When self-restraint is combined with a spiritual re-awakening, we will witness a positive effect in the United States. Sexual purity will once again become a medal of honor and true pride, and illicit, impure and immodest behavior will no longer be sanctioned as fashionable or desirable. And, frankly, sexual purity will not make a grand comeback until the re-birth of values and respect for God's laws and commandments are respected by people of all ages, most especially the young.


