The Metro DC WFWP chapters of the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia are being revitalized by the outpouring of spirit and inspiration given to us by WFWP USA President Angelika Selle. The three chapters came together for a one-day seminar entitled, "Women's and Mothers' Role in Saving America."
A dynamic young lady, Ms. Angela Ruf, was the empowered emcee, and it wouldn't have been complete without some fun at the end.
President Selle's message was filled with healing power as she explained that it is the elements of the woman's heart of service and sacrificial love, not power or politics, intellect or competition, that will lead to a world of peace and prosperity for all.
She spoke of the absolute focus a woman has while giving birth to her child. Nothing else matters in that moment of giving birth to a new life. Nothing can distract her from that life-or-death struggle. The time we are living in, she said, is such a time-a life-or-death struggle when women must understand their role clearly in order to partner properly with men. It is the "woman's touch" that has been missing. Women must uphold a high standard of purity. We have lost our inner center of God's love and truth, just as America has lost its direction to serve the world and instead is engulfed in selfish individualism and materialism.
Women have been silent and in pain of heart for too long. It is time for us to link arms, be strengthened by one other, and stand up for peace and reconciliation through quiet healing and compassion that only a mother's heart can give to her children. It is time to take that heart to the world and let God's healing grace fill all people as one family of peace and acceptance and understanding. Women can work together to create a culture of heart.
Embracing younger generations
President Selle showed how WFWP has been working to do that by advocating "living by the logic of love" and teaching the Principles of Peace. Only a parent's heart can love the unlovable. We all must become parents of a new generation of peace and heart, especially in the four areas that WFWP projects focus on: human rights and women's dignity, strengthening the partnership of men and women to create families of peace, supporting and reconciling with our neighbors and historic enemies through the Bridge of Peace ceremony, and finally actions of service and healing oneself and those around us.
The participants who could stay, both men and women, were fitted into Japanese kimonos, and photos were taken. To experience the intricate nature of the kimono and have a chance to wear one was a deeply moving experience. A feeling of closeness and intimacy with the people of Japan resulted. It was truly another reconciliation of the heart!