
We are very happy to announce that as of March 6, 2019, we have a new WFWP International President, Hoon Sook Moon!

Mrs. Hoon Sook Moon was appointed to this position by our WFWP founder, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, and she was inaugurated in South Korea in an official ceremony that welcomed her and also honored the outgoing president Yeon Ah Moon. WFWP International is headquartered in New York City and is the umbrella organization for all the national WFWP chapters around the world.

Also known by her American name Julia Moon, the new international president was born in Washington DC and spent her formative years largely in McLean, Virginia, just outside DC. From a young age, she devoted herself to the arts, particularly to ballet. She received ballet training in Seoul, London and Monaco, then became a company member at the Washington Ballet before becoming the prima ballerina at the Universal Ballet Company (UBC) in Korea. When she retired from professional dance in her late 30s, she took on a management role as the director of UBC and has led the company with spirit and grace for almost 20 years.

In her inaugural address, President Moon stated: “I dedicated my entire life to ballet with the philosophy: ‘Make the world beautiful through heavenly arts.’ Now, together with all WFWP members, I have been given the opportunity to go beyond the stage, serve the world and practice true love on a wider and more substantial scale. I will do my utmost best to practice a leadership of service, hand in hand with joint president Kim Su-yeon of WFWP-Korea and all WFWP members to make the Women’s Federation for World Peace shine even more beautifully as an organization that is like a gift to encourage us to become key people who build beautiful peace as mothers and women of this age.”

WFWP USA President Angelika Selle warmly welcomed the new international president, saying “we very much look forward to working with you.”

Thank you to our outgoing president Professor Yeon Ah Moon

President Selle also expressed her deep appreciation for the outgoing international president: “A big THANK YOU goes to our wonderful and very much loved former President Yeon Ah Moon, for her outstanding leadership of the heart, very approachable personality and high quality of character which inspired us all for the past ten years!”

Professor Yeon Ah Moon first served as the vice president of WFWP International from 2009 till 2014, before becoming the third president of WFWP International in 2014. She was honored with the 2017 Best Contribution to the Empowerment of Women Award by Active Intervention of Mothers (A.I.M.) Founder and President, Dr. Amalle Daou, on the occasion of WFWPI's 25th Anniversary Celebration.

Emphasizing education based on strong family values and the need for cooperation in the work of WFWP, Prof. Moon supported numerous projects under her leadership, notably the launching of the Global Women’s Peace Network in chapters around the world and the development of a peace curriculum.

In her farewell address, she expressed her gratitude and her hope for the future: “The footsteps of WFWP will become the history of great women who followed a path of sacrifice, hard work and love, and will be conveyed to our younger sisters and daughters, our future generations.”

Prof. Moon has now been appointed to head an affiliated organization of WFWP, the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) in Korea, which will be spearheading efforts toward a peaceful reunification between North and South Korea.

We will miss her, yet as she said in Korea, "I am still a member of WFWP and will be around!"

Moving forward toward wonderful success united in heart with our Mother Moon and wherever we are.


