It’s January. WFWP chapters across the country are holding planning meetings to decide where the chapters will be going this year and what issues their chapters will focus on and invest in. Here are short reports from a few of these meetings.
The Arizona Chapter planning team met on January 15. It was a treat that many of the attendees were actually new to WFWP. Ms. Veronica Tashiro gave a moving introduction to WFWP and brochures were given to the newer members.
Then on January 16 they all joined together to march in the MLK, Jr. parade in Mesa, Arizona. Afterwards all of the attendees discussed the plan for a 25th WFWP Anniversary celebration in the latter part of May.
In Washington, DC, three chapters, the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia came together with President Selle, for their planning meeting on January 6. What a blessing for this area that WFWP USA President can attend the meetings! Mrs. Selle gave a lot of inspiration and guidance for 2017. All the chapter representatives left the meeting with renewed determination to make 2017 a year of substance, solutions, and actions for goodness!
There was also a planning meeting in the Las Vegas, Nevada Chapter on January 10 to prepare for a dynamic year ahead. And in New Jersey, their planning meeting took place on January 14 and I’m sure it was filled with energy for 2017.
In on Sunday, January 15 members of the Northern California Chapter planning committee met and took a donation of toiletries and cosmetics to the April Showers program which serves homeless people in San Leandro. On three Sundays a month, this program offers showers, clean clothes, and a meal to homeless people at the Boys and Girls Club in San Leandro. A good way to start the year planning and serving at the same time.
As more reports come in about activities in various the chapters, the newsletter will continue to let you know that WFWP USA is “On The Move in 2017!” Together with God and Mother Moon’s leadership WFWP USA chapters will do even greater things in 2017!
San Francisco Chapter at Boys and Girls Club