World Peace Flag Ceremony
WFWP, USA was among several dozen co-sponsors of the 3rd International Women's Peace Conference in Dallas, Texas, from July 10-15, 2007. The theme was "Empowering Peacemakers," and more than 1,000 conference delegates, mostly women, attended this ambitious event at the Adam's Mark Hotel in downtown Dallas. Attendees came from forty-three countries, including Russia, Kenya, Rwanda, and other African nations, as well as Brazil, Canada, and thirty-two US states. Speakers included three Nobel Peace laureates, a Hollywood actress, United Nations representatives, academicians, elected officials and diplomats.
Peacemakers, Incorporated, gathered women in Dallas for the first women's peace conference in 1988, then again in 1999. This 3rd conference was a labor of love for the staff, most of whom were volunteers; many contributed great amounts of time and personal resources. The overriding philosophy of the event was that world peace does not come from "on high" but rather starts on the individual level and then spreads outward.
Alexa Ward speaking with Betty Williams, Nobel Peace Laureate 1976
Alexa Ward, WFWP USA President, was one of the invited presenters for the breakout sessions, as was WFWP, USA Vice-President Susan Fefferman. More than ten volunteers from the Dallas-area WFWP helped at the conference.
The first official event of the Peace Conference was the World Peace Flag Ceremony. The national flags of every nation were held aloft by delegates who formed a circle around the large room, then presented each flag with the simple prayer: "Let peace prevail in Albania (or Bahrain, or Zimbabwe, etc.)."
Indigenous Grandmothers
Music, dancing, singing and more prayers were offered for the achievement of world peace. Three of the Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, women dedicated to "healing the earth and all Her inhabitants," offered chants and prayer. (
Welcoming speeches were given by Dallas resident and writer Vivian Castleberry, founding "mother" of Peacemakers, Incorporated, and the Hon. Leticia Ramos Shahani, former Senator of the Philippines and former United Nations Assistant Secretary-General. Mrs. Castleberry stressed the importance of believing in the possibility of world peace and not buying into pessimist views of human potential. She urged leaders of the world's religions to step forward and denounce violence and work more closely together for peace.
L to R: Mike Ghouse (volunteer), Esther Vasquez (WFWP delegate & volunteer), Margaret Culgan (Conference Coordinator), Laura Hornbeck (WFWP delegate & volunteer)
Senator Shahani quoted opening sentences of the Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) adopted in 1945. It reads, "...Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed." As she stated, this understanding is so basic it can easily be overlooked, but the path to peace must begin within hearts and minds.
Every day from 6:30 a.m., a prayer and meditation room was open. Yoga instruction was offered every day as well. People could work on quilts and learn to fold origami in the arts and crafts area. The hotel had a movie viewing room, and movies were shown every day, either documentaries about famous peace workers or videos explaining the work of some of the delegates. There was also music and live performances during the lunch hour every day.
Prior to the conference, one of the Dallas WFWP members, Nariko Nogami, worked on folding over 1,000 paper cranes to be used as decorations. She was helped by several other Japanese WFWP members in Dallas.
L to R: The Hon. Leticia R. Shahani, and Vivian Castleberry
Delegates to the conference chose among seven or eight breakout sessions each morning and afternoon, for example:
Women's Rights are Human Rights
Finding Peace Within
United Nations and Civil Society
Peace through Education
Shalom, Salaam, Peace
The presenters in these sessions included founders of nonprofit organizations, authors, university professors, and others from around the world. Alexa Fish Ward, WFWP, USA President, was a presenter in the session entitled Exploring the Link Between Poverty, Education, and Peace. Alexa gave a PowerPoint presentation outlining the activities of WFWP, with special emphasis on the WFWP Schools of Africa. When she was finished, many of the forty to fifty women in the audience were eager to learn how they could help the schools.
On another day, WFWP Vice-President Susan Fefferman spoke in the session, Women as Peacemakers: A Look at the world of Women for Peace. She showed photos of various Bridge of Peace ceremonies, especially in the Middle East. Susan's talk was very well received. Both Alexa and Susan gave credit to the vision of the founders of WFWP, Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon and her husband, the Reverend Sun Myung Moon.
Prior to the conference, organizers put out a request for donations of peace-related artwork on paper to be used to raise funds for Peacemakers, Inc. Gwenn Bair, WFWP Ohio District Coordinator, sent three drawings, all of which were sold.
In acknowledgement of the spiritual nature of the struggle for peace, both the opening and closing ceremonies of the conference were centered on prayer. On Sunday morning, July 15th, an Interfaith Worship Service was conducted. The finale of the service was a prayer walk, during which people held hands and sang a prayer for peace.
To keep the high spirit alive, follow-up meetings are being planned. To see a slideshow of photos from this colorful gathering, go to
Artwork from Dallas-area schools
Artwork entitled “Legacy,” by Gwenn Bair