Women, mothers, and daughters of the Women's Federation for World Peace USA would like to express our deepest sorrow and condolences to the families of the victims of the racially charged shooting in Charleston, South Carolina!
It is beyond human comprehension and imagination that a young man would shoot innocent people of faith while in a house of worship. Clearly, there were greater destructive forces at work that overpowered any conscience or scruples the young man might have had. We are outraged that this is happening in our country, and on our watch.
This incident, along with the many other recent racially charged incidents, is like a warning bell to all people of good conscience. We mothers and fathers and young people are called to come together and look out not only for our own children but also for others', so we may help them and guide them in the ways of goodness and love toward others, regardless of their race, creed, or nationality.
We are deeply touched by the congregants of the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church who responded to the atrocity and the pain with love and forgiveness. This is truly the way to turn the tide in America, and this so much resonates with our Founder's words:
"History is calling for reconciliation, love, service, and sacrifice. Today's problems cannot solved by the logic of power, but by the logic of love."
Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon
WFWP USA will increase our efforts for reconciliation, love, and true justice.
We are proud of you, Emanuel AME! Be strong and keep on loving!
Our prayers and hearts are with you!
Response to WFWP Statement
Thank you, WFWP USA, for this important statement. You articulate the unspoken thoughts of many decent people throughout the nation.
I forwarded your message to the Women's Ministry leader at a local black church where they call me "Sister Maree" and treat me like family. The Ministry leader was very moved and will share the message with her Pastor on Sunday.
Let's work together for racial healing in America.
Maree Gauper.
City-wide prayer vigil