I would like to welcome all the beautiful women from all walks of life sitting in the audience, and of course welcome all the husbands, brothers, and sons who are here supporting us. I would like to give special thanks to Rev. In Jin Moon, the second daughter of the Founder of Women's Federation for World Peace International, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, whom I met back in March of this year in Las Vegas. We instantly connected, as we seemed to share so much in common, a strong feeling of kinship and sisterhood. She has a pure heart, and is beautiful and powerful inside and out. To President Angelika Selle, such a tenacious and amazing woman making a difference in the world, you also deeply touch my soul. And to Nasser Zomorod and his wife Ulli Zomorod, who introduced me to Angelika and Rev. In Jin Moon and have been great friends and supporters of our humanitarian and philanthropic work through our charitable foundation. I would also like to give a special thanks to my mother, because she is the role model I had as a woman--giving, kind, strong, and very outspoken--and thanks to God for leading me in my spiritual journey.

I’d like to open with a short poem I wrote specially for today’s historic event.


When everyone goes to sleep
and the moon and stars are out
I look through a telescope to the universe
and I think under the sky...

Why do we have hungry children in the world?
Who created nursery homes?
Why everyone follows a system?
Do people have an independent mind?

Why people don't smile anymore?
Why are they not happy?
Why are they so lonely?
Why can't we just love each other the way we are?

After I think in silence for like an hour... I look more deeply into the universe through my telescope in the silence of the night…
I do a close up of the moon and I think some more...

We can live in peace
The wars can end
no more violence in the homes
no more loneliness and fake love
We all have a pure heart
We all have something to give
We are all part of humanity
of one big family
supporting each other's mission in life
loving one another
communicating in a language beyond words
using the magic of thought
to be free…
Free of thought
Free of external influence
Free to live the life we want, we wish, we dream
Free of expressing our thoughts without hurting others or creating wars
Free to give from the heart… the soul...

Then I see how little I am compared to the universe compared to God…
and I imagine how will the world be if everyone unites
and stops discrimination of language, gender, religion, culture, social class, age, thought, political, philosophical and economical differences...

I see life…through a special telescope...
the lenses I use are made of pure love
And all countries are full of people
With transparent bodies and hearts
Living in peace and love…
My humble intention is to give love to everyone,
be a light  to every human I meet in the world...
and transmit from my heart that we are all one
no matter what color we are, what age, language, denomination or gender…
we are all one…
united through an invisible cord of peace and love…
and if we all unite in a sisterhood of human kind we can change the world…
This is my world when everyone else sleeps…

As women, we share a common bond across the world. I have been very fortunate to travel to many countries, visit large cities and small villages. Regardless of place, I have noticed that women bond in a spiritual language that goes beyond words. We understand what it is to be in a relationship… a girl in love, a woman, a wife, a daughter, a best friend, a mother and a soul in this vast universe. We know that when one of our friends is heart-broken and crying, all they need is a hug, someone to talk to, flowers, a teddy bear, and maybe some shopping (pause for laughter) and then we call each other to talk out the problems… I have my best friends calling me sometimes when they are having relationship problems and I usually answer the phone, "Hello, 911 NIA EMERGENCY LINE. HOW CAN I HELP YOU?" (laughter) We know these things naturally, and we understand each other, whether it’s a woman in Korea, in a village in Africa, or a woman in America. We understand what it is to be WE and what it is to be in a healthy or unhealthy relationship.

Women have come a long way throughout history from being the property of men, to becoming individuals, fighting for our rights to vote, to be in the entertainment industry, to have control of our bodies, the choice of when to have babies, to having the freedom of speech and of expressing our opinions here in United States.

Each one of you sitting here today has the power of your inner beauty waiting to be awakened to be the woman you were destined to be in the world and have the healthy relationships you deserve with your family.

I personally believe that when we are open like a vessel to serve humanity in a positive way, the messages of light from the Universe flow through us in a natural way. It is to be shared with the world in any language, because it transcends the physical words like an invisible cord, which we all have within ourselves, a cord that allows us to communicate with others, even when we do not speak the same language.

We are all here on this planet together. We have dreams; we want love, health, peace, abundance, and permanent happiness. We are all uniquely different and perceive things, information, books, movies, and conversations on an individual basis. So we all go through this path called life to learn certain lessons and leave certain legacies for new generations.

One of my dreams since I was a child was to be the founder of a nonprofit organization and help the world. Even though I was very young when I had this dream I knew in my heart that the partner that I would be committed to in a romantic relationship had to share this dream with me and have this spiritual awareness and maturity to help the world. We have been able to achieve results of sending aid to Japan because of the harmony in the relationships that we all have in our team. Relationships extend beyond romance, you have to find a common ground of what is your purpose in life. And if you are called to serve the world, then is very important to have a spouse who will share this calling with you and support you in your work for the world. It is essential that if you wake up one day and say, "I want to go to India to help kids," your family supports you in your mission in life. Otherwise, it will shatter their dreams and affect your relationship. It is essential that WE as women support our husband, children, and friends to pursue our dreams.

Through charitable work, you, your husband, and your children will unite on a more profound level, and together you will grow as human beings making a difference in the world. Remember, you, me, and everyone can make a difference. When we unite to help other people, we create vibrations of Unity and Peace. Everyone has something to give. Some people give love, capital, connections, time, an ear to listen to others, a shoulder to cry on. Everyone has something to give… If you give a cup of rice with the intention to heal and love, it is as powerful as any other donation.

Last year, I was the host for the 2010 United Martial Arts Festival, and as I was the only woman among the great martial artists, I brought up the idea to include two women speakers, including a Tibetan monk, who shared the stage with Chinese martial artists during the Tibetan-Chinese conflict. I was also a strong advocate to nominate a girl as the recipient of the Martial Arts Scholarship Program, and I felt so happy when she did receive the scholarship. WE women have to help each other, and I believe part of our destiny is to balance the energy in the world with our feminine presence. This year, we will celebrate our second anniversary on November 5 at the Redondo Beach Performing Arts Center, and I would like to extend an invitation for all of you to join us!

From my healing journeys, I have learned that to forgive in relationships is essential, because we all make mistakes. We are all here to heal and evolve in our consciousness, and life gives us many opportunities to practice with love what we have learned. It is wise to let go of any hurt you have involving your family and friends, because we are all learning together in this playground of life here on earth. 

No matter how many times you have gone through what you have gone through, or where you are standing in life, don’t give up on your dreams as a woman…and what you know in your heart is meant for you to have in a relationship. You have all the ingredients for success within. Your inner beauty is more powerful than any nuclear bomb. It is an invisible power that can heal individuals, families, marriages, and countries.

What is inner beauty? It is an active energy inside yourself that you can access at any time. It is composed of kindness, unconditional love, patience, undersanding, positive attitude, happiness, loving what you do, and pure intention in the mind and the soul to help others. It glows from within you like the sun radiating light to all the planets. It is like a solar system within each one of us, and we can use it to light up our entire body, cells, blood, heart, organs, soul, and bring out the beauty in all people around us. Once you draw on this inner beauty, you have the power to fulfill all your goals, dreams, and purposes in your life with pure love, beauty, peace, gratefulness, and happiness. Your inner beauty will help you in your relationships, because your spouse will feel it and respect that you are in touch with your inner divine feminine part. Men love feminine women. The fact that we have evolved as women and are now a primary part of the workforce, politics, economics, and it is our turn to make decisions, have women presidents… It does not mean that you need to act like a man… but it does mean that you need to step up to your calling and not be afraid of what will happen if you speak up for something you believe in.

This is the time for us women to shine. We have more opportunities than ever before in the history of civilization to stand for what we believe in our hearts, and we do have the right to do so.

Inner beauty needs to be developed and is more important than external beauty, because it lasts forever. I believe that if all the women in the world were to access this inner beauty power, it would affect their own generation, family, circle of friends, relationships, workplace, their communities, and the world. It would also start to spread energetically throughout the universe, peeling away the superficial layers of beauty and installing a greater awareness of what beauty is all about. The energy could also diffuse into high schools, where teenagers are constantly being pressured to compromise their own inner beauty in order to satisfy an external status quo of beauty.

Some tools that you can use, starting on this day forth, is to have clarity as to what you want in your family relationships… For example, I was very clear I wanted to have peace and happiness every day in my relationships. You can also write this affirmation every day in the morning when you have your nourishing time or before going to sleep, so it sinks into your subconscious mind: “I am beautiful and my inner beauty glows in the presence of all people, including myself.” The repetition of affirmations inside your mind works. I experimented with this on myself for many months before I started to share this basic tool. If you think about it, we learn to talk through repetition, words, vowels, and a different language, so when we are learning how to tap into our inner beauty, this basic technique works wonders. Within two weeks of doing this affirmation, people were telling me, "There is something about you that glows; you are so beautiful inside and outside!" Then I knew it was working. So I decided to implement it as one of the tools I share with women from all over the world. You can ask yourself questions in a quiet place: What is inner beauty for you? What is external beauty? What makes you happy? What makes you peaceful? Do you feel beautiful? What kind of relationships do you want in your life? If your words could impact a young woman who looks up to you, what would you say to her?

Another great tool I created in my family that you can practice with your spouse or children is the 10-second rule. When a disagreement arises or the need for attention and there is a small fight over little things, you apply the 10-second rule. The way it works is you make a statement and agreement with your children and husband that you will count from 10 to 1, and when you reach 1, if he is not asking you to forgive you or holding your hand, then you will be really upset (laughter), so they have 10 seconds to think about it… They want to spoil an afternoon over something very minor and it gives them enough time to realize is not worth it, so by the time you reach 2 or 3 seconds, you make up and avoid wasting time and energy in small disagreements that drain your energy. It also goes the other way for you husbands to apply the 10-second rule with your wife and children.

Yet another tool you can use in your relationships is to make an agreement of small fines. For example, you fine your children or spouse $1 if they leave the clothes on the floor and not in the laundry basket and they have to pay right away (laughter), and it can be very profitable (just kidding). It does make your children and spouse think twice and helps to avoid conflict over daily life situations.

In my professional career as a woman in the entertainment industry, I have had many obstacles to overcome. I had many roles offered to me on TV shows that were very profitable, but I turned them down. My agent would get angry with me and ask, "Why donn’t you want to do the show? It pays a lot of money." I would share that I do not want to compromise who I am, what I believe in, my ethics, integrity, and standards just to be on TV. You have to have a passion for what you want in life, don’t get me wrong, but you do not have to sell your soul to get there. I would tell my agent, "I believe with all my heart that I can achieve all my dreams with my clothes on, and use my brain not my body to get what I want and deserve as a woman." Having a pure body, mind, and soul is part of your inner beauty and not letting other trends or people with unhealthy behaviors or thinking or energies pollute your beauty within.

When I had to make a work-ethic decision, I would go to a quiet place and meditate. I have studied meditation since I was 13, and I usually ask for guidance… In these times, I think about how lucky I was to be here in this country and not in Saudi Arabia, where recently a group of women were arrested just for driving a car, or in India, where the girls at the age of 12 or 13 are sold to older husbands and forced to have babies at 14 or 15, or in Burma, where Aung San Su Kyi, the first woman elected president, was prevented by the military from leading her country and was instead incarcerated.

We all come to a point, whether it’s in high school or in entertainment, where there is peer pressure to do something just because everyone else does it. Teenagers have the pressure in this society to take drugs, drink alcohol, have premature intimate relationships, smoke cigarretes, and that is an opportunity to be strong in your standards and choices and an opportunity for the parents to trust the education, moral, and ethical values they have given to their children. This is a time to remember and realize that you will achieve all of your dreams by maintaining your standards. Also, hold on to those choices of what kind of role model you want to be.

It is time to change the Hollywood entertainmenet industry to portray women as intelligent, as thinkers, philanthropists, and powerful from within, instead of focusing on external beauty and gossip, or, as I like to say, “Garbage to the soul and the brain.”  I guard what I feed my mind. It's like you do not go around eating the garbage in your home, you feed your body healthy foods and nutrients. It's the same with the mind. You have to feed it positive song lyrics, for example--it's especially good to memorize the lyrics and sing them over and over, so they eventually get into your subconscious mind. You have to be careful what movies you watch, what books you read, and to meditate and stay in direct connection with God. 

There are women in the world who are clear examples of inner beauty and who have fought for women's suffrage and rights throughout history, such as Mother Teresa, who taught that “Love begins at home, and it is not how much we do, but how much love we put in the action that we do”; in television, women like Oprah Winfrey, who was the first black and plus-size TV talk show host, who opened the door for more African-American women in television and film; Simone de Beauvoir, who was one of the greatest philosophers in the twentieth century and the mother of my chiropractor. I recently learned her name was Nardi  Reeder Campion, a superb writer. I am reading one of her books now. She fought for female suffrage, and her mother did too, from 1910-1912, and played a very important role in getting women the right to vote, and one of her best friends was Hillary Clinton.

The same principle applies to relationships. When you know the kind of person you are looking for to be the love of your life, your prince, your soulmate, your twin flame, your husband--expect and wait for a man who will respect you, treat you like a queen every day, and by that I mean someone who not just buys you luxurious jewelry and clothes and takes you to fancy places but who treats you with respect, kindness, and love, someone who will communicate with you in loving ways. When you are happy in your marriage with the man you love, the man your heart belongs to, you will be happy, you will create peace in your home. And that happiness and peace will spread out around you and into the world. Pure love is a sacred treasure to be shared with the one you love--your husband 

I believe it takes a higher awareness to be able to marry someone from another culture and it makes you grow and expand your thinking and understanding and develop unconditional love, respecting each other and their culture.

In closing, a few years ago when I was in St. George Island with all my family from different countries, we were all eating at the dinner table in a house by the beach. I suddenly felt this urge to go for a walk alone. I sat watching the ocean waves and felt so happy and fulfilled, because I had united different cultures within my own family and we were all having such a great time despite our language barriers. I said, “Wow.” I then looked to the sky and thank God for this beautiful gift of love and life and unity of cultures in my family--Asian, Latino, European, and American--and I heard a voice that said back from the heavens, "Now is the time to share this inner beauty, unity of cultures, and message of peace and love with the world." So I speak from firsthand experience.

The importance of today’s message is to remember one thing: No one can take my inner beauty, your inner beauy, and their inner beauty away.


