Dear Friends,
This year's Women's Federation for World Peace 23rd anniversary National Assembly, October 22-24, which also marked the 20th anniversary of WFWP's flagship Bridge of Peace project, to me and to all of us was like a big gift basket overflowing with lots of goodies - rich and nourishing offering healing fruits and foods, including much food for thought.
There was fruit in terms of seeing our Founder's vision in action and substance, a vision which over the last two decades countless women have been laboring for, sacrificing for and investing into! It was a great celebration. It felt like a reunion, as we had with us our first and second Presidents of WFWP here in the United States, Mrs. Nora Spurgin and Mrs. Alexa Ward, as well as many other women who had helped lay the foundation for this wonderful organization.
At the same time, we saw young women and students stepping forward to assist with the Assembly in the spirit of "learning how to lead" and "practicing leadership through service." This year, our annual Day of Service in Washington, D.C., under the leadership of Senior Vice President Juanita Pierre-Louis, drew more students and more excited involvement from the D.C.-area community than ever before. One enthusiastic fourth-grader, for example, told us he discovered, "Service is cool!" In the end, it was "teamwork that made the dream work," as Minister Chi Mauuso, our program director for the Day of Service, always says.
Please enjoy the articles, photos, and video that you can access by following links to the WFWP USA website; and thank you for your support! I believe you will find that each article in this autumn edition of the Logic of Love News contains much food for thought and many nuggets of wisdom that emerged from activities around the country on topics ranging from how to make peace sustainable, women's leadership and racial reconciliation to pointers for daily life success.
Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving Season! Indeed, there is so much to be grateful for!