Join the One Million Rally of Hope on August 8th!

Women's Federation for World Peace USA is happy to invite you to the One Million Rally of Hope on Saturday, August 8, 2020 from 9:00 PM - 11:00 PM EST, featuring Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, WFWP Founder, as the keynote speaker. This virtual rally will be live streamed from Korea and is projected to bring together 1 million people from around the globe, envisioning a world of interdependence, mutual prosperity, and universal values in which humanity breathes and lives together, transcending all religious, racial, and national barriers.

Altogether, there will be five Rally of Hope programs, taking place once per month from now until the end of 2020. They will be hosted by various branches of the Universal Peace Federation including the political, interreligious, media, economic, and academic sectors. These rallies are open for anyone worldwide to watch and join. For more information and to join the live stream, go to:


Pray for Lebanon!


Peace Road 2020: Native American, African American and White women stand together at Plymouth Rock