
Every year, Women's Federation for World Peace International organizes a conference for all leaders from around the world to gather and share their yearly achievements and their vision for the coming year, as well as to bond with each other to collaborate and continue to make WFWP an organization that touches many hearts and lives. So, from Saturday, October 29 to Tuesday, November 1, 2011, 300 women leaders from 19 different countries gathered for the 12th WFWPI Conference, held in South Korea.

Representatives of the WFWP USA leadership included Angelika Selle, Hatsune Inose, Heidi Iseda, Mimi Yukawa, Evangeline Tanaka, and Halka Herd. Surprisingly, many leaders were liaisons to the countries they were representing and serving. It is truly the heart of a mother to be able to leave the comforts of a home country to invest in raising up not only women from foreign countries but also husbands and children. Throughout the workshop, this warm, motherly feeling was very much present.

The first evening began with WFWPI President Lan Young Moon giving opening remarks to express the importance of the time we live in and to raise awareness as when to "Set Aside the Water Jar," which was the conference subtitle. The water jar, which was basis of housekeeping for millennia and symbolic of daily life and "life" itself, actually represents attachments that might block or hinder a woman from stepping up to take action when called by God to do so.

The following day began with a meeting with the Founders, which was a very precious time for all those present. President Selle had the opportunity to stand in front of our Founders. Father Moon, contemplating a bouquet, expressed how each flower in it is precious, saying, "You must remember whenever you look at that flower, I value you." Following these words, a flower was handed to every attendee as a reminder and gift from Heaven of our value.

For the remainder of the day, continental representatives gave PowerPoint reports with inspiration and heart on annual activities of 2011 and plans for 2012. "WFWP world leaders reported their activities," Mrs. Inose shared, "and Angelika reported the USA activities. She emphasized the internal meaning of WFWP. Afterward Mrs. Furuta, director of education of WFWP Japan, said to me, 'I am very inspired by Angelika's report. A new, fresh wind is blowing from WFWP USA.' Through the entire conference, I felt God's love and the heart of Mother God very deeply."

"It was inspiring," Mrs. Iseda shared, "to hear what other countries have done over the past year. Every continent has a different 'flavor' to it. Angelika accurately expressed the heart of WFWP USA."

Compared to the 11th WFWPI Conference in 2010, the activity reports of 2011 were filled with more heart, substance, and amazing activities that touched so many more women! Most participants felt the energy, power, and life in WFWP that had sprouted in 2011. Mrs. Selle took the opportunity to connect with other leaders during coffee breaks between presentations. The entire day of reporting left all participants completely exhausted.

The third day was a day of sightseeing to study Korean history and culture. The first stop was an elegant, traditional Korean residence called Gangneung Sungyojang. The second site was the hometown of Shin Sa Im Dang, a famous female Korean artist of the 16th century. She is considered the greatest woman role model in Korean history and the only woman to be depicted on a Korean banknote—the highest-value bill, 50,000 won. She is also the mother of the great Korean Confucian scholar, Yulgok.

The last stop for sightseeing was the city of Pyeongchang and at the Yongpyong Resort, which will host the 2018 Winter Olympics. During a luncheon at the resort, the USA delegation prepared two songs and a dance to share the unity among such a diverse team and the spirit of longing to return to the homeland. "Our team," Mrs. Selle said, "performed two songs, 'Furusato' and 'Edelweiss,' and Halka danced a little ballet variation. I do feel that we broke some barriers and made a new beginning between Japan and America. When we sang 'Furusato' and explained the lyrics and why we were singing it, some onlookers were deeply moved to tears and felt that we really are one in America." The day ended with a thrilling ride by cable car to the top of a mountain, and song and dance by the fireside after dinner.

On the last day, the closing session included a summary of the discussions by each region. Mrs. Iseda gave a spirited summary of North and South America's discussion, which reflected a heart of determination for a strengthened bond between North America and South America to work together. The wonderful four-day program came to an end with the Board of Directors meeting discussing details of the 20th Anniversary of WFWP. President Lan Young Moon stated, "I would like to invite all the women leaders we have formed connections with, from every continent and every field of life, and organize a global peace network of women, thereby pooling the strength of women worldwide, providing an opportunity to bring about the realization of the culture of peace in the global village."

President Selle concluded her reflection by saying, "This conference was a deep experience for all of us who went. It was awesome having Mrs. Inose, who was beaming from ear to ear there. The American team was loved by everyone, because we inspired other attendees. This year's experience in Korea was a lot more heartistic, with more spontaneity. Other sisters also loosened up when they were sharing and Dr. Lan Young Moon was so happy. She remembered our events in the U.S. this past year and said to me several times that she likes the spirit in America. We felt a deepening of heart and friendship that I've never seen before, and I was grateful for that."


