We, the women of the world, representing 191 nations, bridging all religions, cultures, political, professional and civil society backgrounds, gather as daughters, sisters, wives and mothers to call for Peace in the Middle East and the world.
We, the women of the world, as the guardians of the family, must become an essential part of the leadership of the peace process with the skills of mothers, nurturers and educators.
We, the women of the world, convinced that hardened political views, un-tempered by a true mother's nurturing and forgiving heart, leave no room for the urgently needed but fragile stirrings of peace; and
Determine to become exemplary women of deep, forgiving love allowing those lives we touch each day – in our homes, communities and the world – to be exposed to and healed by such love and compassion; and
Commit to becoming peacemakers because only through the selfless heart of women, who deeply care for all children as their own, will peace emerge in the Middle East; and
Urge all leaders in the region and the world to draw upon the strength of forgiveness and the tools of reconciliation, and work courageously with women and youth to resolve conflicts and build world peace; and
Determine to expand the "Bridge of Peace" to reconcile enemies and to build partnerships for peace, freedom, equality and plenty under the Universal Creator; and
Resolve to present this Women's Middle East Peace Initiative to world leaders and the United Nations for recognition and implementation.
Now, therefore, we declare on this 27th day of May, 2004, that all women are true sisters and invite them to courageously work together to build peaceful families, communities and nations in the Middle East and the world.