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New hope technical institute

2022 Enrollment



The Institute was founded with an objective to help women become financially independent post civil war. The school also accepts many men, such as ex-soldiers, especially since 2007, when it was recommended as a school promoting a project sponsored by the World Bank. Since 1999, students who have financial difficulties have been aided through a sponsorship program. Students also take courses in English, French, and Business Administration. Courses are further enhanced by support from international volunteers.

In 2024, WFWP USA was able to send $5,000 in donations to support their expansion of training courses and to provide quality school equipment for their courses and workshops. Many of the students attending the school live on one meal a day, so the opportunity to learn valuable skills in hairdressing, culinary arts, or tailoring is priceless. The school’s newly opened professional training center provides students a chance to learn work skills after graduation and be better prepared to start a successful career.

The school also partners with the World Bank’s Skill Development Fund to provide additional financial support for students to attend New Hope. Since 1999, NHTI has been providing tuition support to poor and orphaned students at our schools. The scholarship gives priority to students who are motivated to learn but come from financially difficult backgrounds. The support includes tuition, teaching materials, uniforms, transportation expenses for off-campus training, etc. The number of students supported from 1999 to 2023 was 1,150.


  • New Hope Technical Institute, which was established 25 years ago, has strengthened the local strength of this region, and with the establishment of this Professional Training Center, we have created even more hope for a bright future for the youth of this region and of this country.

    Mrs Aline Umutoni (Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion of Rwanda)

  • I never knew my father because he died before I was born. My mother also died five years later. At the age of 15 I came to Kigali. I started selling tabacco and biscuits on the road. Sometimes the police used to beat me and take away items i was selling because it was not allowed to do street business. One day, someone told me about NHTI. IT is a good school that gives a lot of knowledge and helps vulnerable children. Now i am working at a hotel. I am very well. My life has changed to the best.

    Kwizera (Culinary Arts Graduate)

  • With the money I earned from the skills I learned, I was able to pay for my health insurance, have enough food, buy clothes, dress myself, and get the things I needed. I'm not the only one who has been helped by the technical guidance provided by this school, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to WFWP Japan, WFWP Korea, WFWP USA and WFWP Rwanda for giving girls like us who had nothing to learn the chance to learn and developing them as professionals.

    Umutoniwase (Dressmaking Course Graduate)