Upcoming Events

Bloom & Brush: A Spring Painting Experience
Join us for a fun, hands-on workshop where you’ll create a beautiful spring-themed masterpiece—perfect as a gift for Mother’s Day or to brighten your own space.
No experience needed—just bring your imagination and a smile! Space is limited. Reserve your spot today!

Westchester Awaken Retreat
Join us for the Westchester New York WFWP's Awaken Retreat on Saturday, May 3rd, from 9 AM to 4 PM.

New Jersey 3rd Annual HerStory Awards
Join us for the 3rd Annual HerStory Awards in celebration of Women’s History Month! RSVP HERE
If you’d like to nominate someone to receive the award at this event, CLICK HERE

WFWP NJ Holiday Party
Join us to celebrate the end of the year! We'll have some tea, cookie exchange, mocktails, crafts, and more. RSVP info coming soon.

Tea with Intention: Women's Health and Wellness
Join Tea with Intention: Women’s Health and Wellness in New Jersey! Guest presentation by Kiana Wooten, breast cancer awareness educator and Angel Advoate for Tigerlily Foundation.

Painting with a Purpose
Join WFWP New Jersey for “Painting with a Purpose” That purpose is meaningful connection, deep conversations, and enjoying a fun and relaxing activity of artistic expression. An experienced instructor will guide everyone through creating a masterpiece to take home with you.

2nd Annual HerStory Awards
It is our great pleasure to invite you to a very special award ceremony in celebration of Women’s History Month. On Saturday, March 30th at 1:00 – 3:00 pm at the Peterstown Community Center in Elizabeth, NJ, we will be holding the 2nd Annual HerStory Awards in New Jersey to honor women leaders who have been serving tirelessly in our communities. Doors open at 12 pm for a light lunch.
Click Here to Register.

Tea with Intention
Join us for Tea with Intention at the Clifton Public Library from 1:00 - 4:00 PM EST.

Summer Refresh Series: Self-Discovery to Self-Mastery
Join us on June 22 and 29 for this refreshing, insightful, and purposeful two-part series to invigorate your summer goals of self-mastery and personal fulfillment. Each 90-minute session includes engaging content, exercises, tips, Q&As and self-care materials.
RSVP Here to join either one or both sessions: https://tinyurl.com/NJrefresh

Summer Refresh Series: Growing Gracefully
Join us on June 22 and 29 for this refreshing, insightful, and purposeful two-part series to invigorate your summer goals of self-mastery and personal fulfillment. Each 90-minute session includes engaging content, exercises, tips, Q&As and self-care materials.
RSVP Here to join either one or both sessions: https://tinyurl.com/NJrefresh

WFWP NJ: Tea with Intention
Join us for meaningful conversations, crafts, games, and of course delicious tea! Guest presentation by Rachel Ishak, MSW, LSW, Community Outreach Specialist with Brain Injury Alliance
RSVP: https://tinyurl.com/NJTeaMay20

WFWP NJ: Women's History Month HerStory Awards Luncheon
Join us in celebrating Women’s History Month at a very special HerStory Awards Luncheon. We will be honoring some women leaders who have been serving in the New Jersey communities with “the logic of love.”
RSVP: https://tinyurl.com/NJHerStory

WFWP Girls: Bingo Night Fundraiser for Turkey
Join us to raise funds for earthquake victims in Turkey.

Heart, Mind, & Spirit: Health & Wellness Day
Join us in Clifton, NJ for this in-person wellness event! Let’s start off this new year whole in heart, mind, and spirit!
RSVP: https://tinyurl.com/NJ-Jan28

WFWP Flag Raising at Clifton, NJ City Hall
Join us at Clifton, NJ City Hall to raise the WFWP flag above the city!

Leadership of the Heart Seminar
WFWP New Jersey Chapter is thrilled to present the Leadership of the Heart seminar that will take place in-person at Clifton Memorial Library, Community Room, 292 Piaget Ave., Clifton, NJ 07011 on Saturday, August 13th at 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM EST. The seminar will be presented by WFWP USA Vice President Katarina Connery, and the workshop will include a light lunch and refreshments!
RSVP Here!

A Word Can Save or Destory
WFWP Hackensack New Jersey chapter presents Mrs. Hanka Musilova from the Czech Republic to speak on calming the mind and speaking reassuring words. She is a certified practitioner in Emotion Code and Body Code from Dr. Bradley Nelson. Please join us via zoom on Saturday, June 4th at 1:00 pm EDT for a one hour session! For more information, please contact Cynthia Nakai at (201) 286-3967.

Come Hobby With Us
Join WFWP New Jersey chapter for a night of craft making on Friday, April 8 at 7:00pm EST on Zoom. Bring your crochet hooks, knitting needles or art work and we can hobby together!
Click on the event to join the virtual program.

Crafts & Sharing
Join WFWP New Jersey chapter for a night of craft making on Friday, March 11 at 7:00pm EST on Zoom. Bring your crochet hooks, knitting needles or art work and we can hobby together!
Click on the event to join the virtual program.

Come Craft With Us!
Join WFWP New Jersey chapter for a night of craft making on Saturday, February 5 at 7:00pm EST on Zoom. Bring your crochet hooks, knitting needles or art work and we can hobby together!
Join zoom meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87988035631?pwd=SGRidnQrWlFkaDVRcmpvMVVWOE5DZz09
Meeting ID: 879 8803 5631
Passcode: wfwp

Safety Tips for the Winter Months
WFWP Hackensack New Jersey invites you to join their webinar event on Sunday, December 5th at 2pm EST. Captain Thomas Higgins of the Jersey City fire department will give a talk and share tips on how to keep our homes safe during the winter months and what to do in case of a real fire.
Click on this event for more details on how to join.
Questions? Contact WFWP Hackensack NJ Chapter at 201-286-3967.

WFWP Girls Christmas Toy Drive
Join the WFWP Girls for a Christmas toy drive for children in the Elizabeth, NJ community. Toys can be dropped off between November 15 and 23.

Cornerstone for Peace: Rededication of Marriage & Blessing
WFWP Elizabeth New Jersey chapter invites you to their seminar on the Cornerstone for Peace: Rededication of Marriage and Blessing on Saturday, November 13, 2021 at 3:00 PM EDT. This will be an in-person event which will take place at the Elizabeth Family Church, 60 Prince Street, Elizabeth, NJ, 07208. Learn how you can substantially revive your marriage and family with valuable tools, as well as transform our culture into one that is conducive to happy and health families centered on God.
Register by emailing wfwp.elizabeth@gmail.com or calling 732-318-9468.

Cornerstone for Happiness - Marriage and Family Seminar
WFWP Elizabeth New Jersey Chapter presents Cornerstone for Happiness Seminar on Sunday, July 25 at 1pm ET. The seminar will take place at Peterstown Community Center, 401 Palmer Street, Elizabeth, NJ 07202. Join a transformational seminar to uplift family and marriage with valuable tools and a movement to transform our culture into one that is conducive to happy and healthy families centered on God.
Seminar Fees are $10 for individuals and $20 for couples.
Register at newjersey@wfwp.us

WFWP New Jersey presents news from WFWP International with Merly Barlaan
Join us Saturday, July 10 at 2pm to hear about some of the exciting activities of WFWPI! Ms. Merly Barlaan, former president of WFWP Philippines, will share some of her stories of organizing youth service projects, working with government officials to encourage family-based values, and starting many empowering women's programs!
Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/99133078441?pwd=NWp5MHRDeWFXbUl4UktMUVlscVBYUT09
Meeting ID: 991 3307 8441, Passcode: wfwp

New Jersey Meet & Greet
WFWP New Jersey will have a Meet & Greet event on Saturday, April 3rd at 2pm by Zoom. Please join us!
Meeting ID: 989 0934 3393 Password: wfwp

December 28 Peace Starts With Me: What the World Needs Now Rally in Newark, NJ
We are very excited to welcome back our Founder, Mother Moon, to the northeast for a final rally on December 28 to conclude what has been certainly been a momentous year of 2019! This is also a culmination to Mother Moon’s world tour for peace in the past few months, and launching into the year 2020.
If you would like to attend the rally event, please register by clicking on the following link: peacestartswithme.com.

Leadership of the Heart Seminar
The Leadership of the Heart seminar is a one-day educational and interactive program, designed to bring out the powerful leader that is within each person and to offer tools to make peace a reality within each person’s lives, families, communities, nations and the world. If you would like to attend this event, please RSVP to Cynthia Nakai, our Chairwoman of Hackensack, NJ at happiness2075@yahoo.com OR 201-286-3967.